Fox News right now

Fox News right now

Posted by bellarivolta

  1. “The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of other people’s children.” – conservatives, probably

  2. You can do this again with the top picture stating: “Conservatives claiming more mental health services will remedy gun violence.”

    Bottom picture: “Conservatives discussing universal healthcare.”

  3. Trump is the root cause. None of this would be happening or so out in the open without him. All blame should be focused on him… remove the source and I can guarantee the users will eventually just go on to new stupid things. But those things will more than likely be far less damaging to the country and people. Are they going to change? No. They will continue to be the same people, just less out in the open…. Ironically more like back in the day when America was great.

    Like… at some point we should probably all realize that you are never going to change their minds and they are never going to change yours and so this battle of wits we all participate in is kind of idiotic…. We just stand in our trenches and lob Grenades back and fourth at each other all day for 10 years. Why? Have we moved at all in that time? No. It’s pointless for the people to fight each other when in reality it’s the general who put us all here and gave us the grenades to throw.

    Plus I’m fairly certain after being in those trenches for 10 years that I have realized that the secret sauce to trump is for all of us to be in those trenches. If you realize that, and just get up and say “this is fucking dumb” let his guys stay in the trenches and fight themselves… it wouldn’t take long before they look like idiots and just get bored with it.

    I’m not saying to literally give up. I’m saying maybe a new approach is warranted. A better approach, where we don’t need to be in the trenches all day everyday, I mean.. I’d rather go shopping or something anyway.

  4. Years ago there was a post on unpopularopinion where someone said they don’t care how many children die, they will never give up their right to bear arms.

    I believe it was only a few months later that sandy hook happened.

  5. For fucks sake, can we stop calling them “pro-life”? They’re not pro life for a million reasons. It’s their spin to call them that. Please stop being anti-choice monsters’ useful idiots.

  6. Why do you think people don’t care about kids being shot dead in school? Murder is already illegal, abortion isn’t. Kind of a false equivalence. They want to make abortion illegal because they see it like killing kids. School shootings are already illegal…

    I get the point is about not wanting to do something about guns but just because people disagree about the solution doesn’t mean they don’t care…

  7. Let’s be real, They do nothing because they believe parents will send their children to parochial schools (aka the “safer” School.)

    the GOP’s inaction on school shootings is primarily driven by the desire to dismantle public schooling in favor of religious or private education.

    The broader agenda to prioritize school choice and shift funding toward private and religious institutions aligns with conservative values of religious freedom, and under the guise of parental rights, and limited government intervention.

    public schools are seen as both ideologically opposed to conservative values and structurally less aligned with religious teachings.

    Their promotion of school choice is a part of a longer-term goal to erode the public school system, which conservatives see as overly secular or failing in its “purpose”.

    In this context, the emphasis on school safety and shootings are indeed less of a priority for the GOP, favoring this shift.

    This aligns with other conservative efforts to reshape education, such as opposing curriculum content they deem too progressive and advocating for policies that favor religious or charter schools.

    While the Second Amendment, political priorities, and other factors are undoubtedly still in play, the point is that these are all part of a larger strategy focused on restructuring the American educational system away from public institutions toward more privately controlled, often religious, alternatives.

    And until we come to terms with this reality the GOP will continue to do nothing.

    The GOP lustrate in the blood of America children

  8. IDEA: Let’s reclassify school shootings as *forced post-birth abortions.*

    Maybe then conservatives will give a shit!

    (jk, they don’t care about children.)

  9. I saw a post elsewhere today that said “here come all the school shooters just in time for the election season. Weird how that happens.

    Completely ignoring the fact that, of course, the timing also coincides with the return to school.

  10. Fox News quiet right now after the first school shooting of the new school year that happened in Georgia



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