Man kicked off Delta flight for wearing obscene Donald Trump tee with viral meme reference

Man kicked off Delta flight for wearing obscene Donald Trump tee with viral meme reference

Posted by No_Description5346

  1. Glad the airline handled this properly. Decent people should not have to be exposed to this.

  2. Good. This country is wildly overpopulated with crass, obnoxious slobs who think it’s fun and hilarious to offend everyone in sight. Any grown man should be ashamed to wear a shirt like that in public.

  3. I don’t mind because I know these people get the crap knocked out of them for wearing things like this in public. We just never hear about that part.

  4. Good. Iā€™m sick of these MAGA animals turning every part of our world into a stage to spread their political hate and vileness. These are the people offended by pronouns. My god this country is pathetic.

  5. Come on man, you knew what was going to happen when chose to wear it, you knew it was a subtle way to pick a fight.

  6. Boy I sure hope the MAGA Cult protests Delta and goes back to budget flying. I sure hope they do, tired of see idiots like this on Delta flights.

  7. So in this case is Trump the one giving the sloppy top?

    “People tell me, sir, you give the best head. I can barely last! And I tell them they haven’t seen anything yet. I always get the best loads, just hyuuuuge loads. Okay? Believe me, I give big league top.Ā  When they bust they scream like it’s the best head they’ve ever gotten and I tell them I was called the head of state for 4 years. 4 tremendous years, not a single pair of balls full. It’s true!”

  8. And let me guess….. he thought it was public property and that he was being censored or oppressed?

  9. Is the shirt saying trump hawk tuah’s before he sucks off a guy ? I’m confused, that was what the girl was referring to , so is this this a pro or anti trump shirt?

  10. Itā€™s not just about the content being offensive, America has become so bitterly divided that itā€™s a legit safety issue.

  11. I don’t understand this, they want Donald Trump to spit on their dicks? And Haley Welch, the “Hawk Tuah” girl doesn’t even like Donald Trump

  12. My 25 yr old nephew has a Trump shirt with two fingers and an ā€œArrest thisā€ quote.

    I think I rolled my eyes when I saw it cause he laughed and asked if I liked it. I didnā€™t get specific but I did say ā€œdonā€™t you think itā€™s sad that this is part of our adult history? Like what you have thought reading this in history class as a kid? Itā€™s nuts right?ā€

    He just shrugged. Education and parenting failed. Reality tv blurred the culture lines. Iā€™m sorry but people should be smarter than to let it get to this culture. This is our culture now. Iā€™m so fucking embarrassed

  13. Ban the puto for the airline for LIFE. Pass his credentials to other carriers. Saves them the headache. Want to travel coast to coast meat head? Fucken drive it.

  14. I had to explain to my trump supporting boomer father that freedom of speech only applies towards the government. It grants you the right to say things like “fuck Joe Biden” without fear of retaliation from the government. It does not mean you can force a private citizen or private company to allow you to say or do whatever you want on their property without consequence.

    It’s amazing how these people who scream about how much they love the Constitution and how the Constitution is being suppressed have literally no idea what the constitution says.

    Sure guy, you’re free to wear that shirt, just so long as you know that a private business is free to deny you service for wearing that shirt.

  15. Mhm miss my flight or flip my tshirt inside out? Good job fighting these tyrants for your freedumbs sovereign citizen

  16. Iā€™m struggling to understand the message behind the shirt. So Trump is giving the double middle finger to everyone (heā€™s ā€œbadassā€ apparently) and he does this by spitting on a penis first before giving oral sex to America, apparently.

  17. The Right requires society see them as oppressed in order to justify the horrendous shit they want to do to this country.

  18. Dont you libtards know yet? We’re allowed to act like jackasses because we’re the family values and respect party!


  19. It takes a sick person to associate the Hawk Tuah girl with Donald Trump. One is a national treasure, the other is convicted felon, rapist, piece of shit.

  20. One of the biggest disappointments of the Trump era is that his supporters think itā€™sĀ 
    funny, and a right, to be a classless asshole.

  21. He has a perfect right to go anywhere & make any statement he’d like – even if he intentionally offends other people.

    Delta has a perfect right to deny him service when he offends their customers, or their staff.

    FA, FO

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