Trump Pledges to Solve Ukraine Crisis in 24 Hours, But Keeps Plans Secret

Trump Pledges to Solve Ukraine Crisis in 24 Hours, But Keeps Plans Secret

Posted by MysticCallie

  1. It’s not a secret. He’ll simply handover Ukraine to Russia to do as they please there. A free pass to rape and plunder, like in his wet dreams.

  2. He has NO solutions to anything. Con men only promise, they never deliver. Why can’t 40% of this stupid ass country get it through their goddamn thick heads?!?!?

  3. Last time he said he could solve it in 24 hours, he said he would sit them both down and tell them to stop it…he’s such a generic idiot

  4. Is he an idiot? It would only take me 12 hours to solve the crisis but I’m not telling until I get control of the country

  5. Is it a secret if he has already stated his plan to let Putin “do whatever he wants”? AKA he get’s a lot of money from Russia and Putin has a lot of damage he can do to him in the form of financial fraud evidence and piss tapes if he does not play ball.

  6. So – Trump has the ‘secret’ to solving a major international crisis that is affecting American citizens, but won’t reveal the solution because it would benefit Biden or Harris ??? Just like ‘solving’ the border crisis ???

    Are you people *really* that vain ???

    Or are you lying again and have discovered that the Ukraine issue is more complicated than health care ?

  7. Trust me, I have the best plan .

    The best plan of the best plans .

    The bestest plan some would say.

  8. D’uh, ok. Just like infrastructure, healthcare, etc. Just like he was the only one Putin would release the American hostages for (I know they aren’t all released). Just like every other lie, scratch that, every other thing he’s ever said: it’s all BS

  9. Just for the record, Nixon had a secret plan to get us out of Vietnam in 1968. It turned out that we only had to wait five more years and invade Cambodia and Laos.

    So, yeah… entirely believable.

  10. I will tripple your earnings if you hire me but how is a secret! /random 12 year old applying at mcdonalds

  11. Plan: Give Russia everything it wants and realign the US with the Axis powers. Democracy is dead if he wins. Almost a guaranteed outcome.

  12. Along with a new healthcare plan, Mexico paying for the wall, documents about Epstein ect ect all false promises

  13. He’s also been keeping his healthcare reform better than obamacare secret for 8 years now. Must be really really secret

  14. Remember he and he alone could solve ISIS, also in 24 hours. Healthcare…. border. .. infrastructure… covid ….. he fucked it allll up

  15. If he actually ended the war in Ukraine on Ukrainian terms, he would have one hell of a story come election time…. But as usual, it’s all words that mean absolutely zero.

  16. All his master plans he talks about he says he’ll release them in 2 weeks but then crickets. He’s fos. He just fear mongers all day and claims only him and nobody else can fix it. Bs

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