People who have a Favorable opinion of China and United States, %, certain countries (China – U.S. difference in brackets), July 2024, ranked by China-U.S. difference [OC]

People who have a Favorable opinion of China and United States, %, certain countries (China – U.S. difference in brackets), July 2024, ranked by China-U.S. difference [OC]

Posted by Populationdemography

  1. Interesting to see that the US and Europe have an unfavorable opinion on China but still marry the most Chinese women internationally

  2. I bet this chart would look a whole lot different if the research was done during the Trump-years.

  3. The real interesting difference are the time series with China’s neighbors. Real loss in trust and positive sentiments over the past few years.

  4. Nigeria is making more money from Chinese Buisenss deals but I would expect them to value Capitalism over Communism.

    I guess cash is king.

  5. I like china they bought lots of our shit and sells lots of cool stuff. And you know they didn’t support a military dictatorship like some beacon of liberty did

  6. China is less popular in Sweden than anywhere else. I guess all the years of psyop bullshit really pissed us Swedes off.

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