Where it’s easiest to dine late around the world

Where it’s easiest to dine late around the world

Posted by chefrus

  1. Nice maps! But why North America is on different color scale? I was confused for a while that do they have so different dining times compared to rest of the world

  2. I knew Auckland would be the earliest before I even clicked on it. It can be kind of ridiculous how early they close businesses there. If you want a coffee after 3 you’re out of luck. Getting food after 9 is impossible unless you go to Maccas.

  3. The left to right orientation of the color bar being in reverse chronological order is throwing me.

  4. thats crazy… If i havent eaten dinner by 1800 i get cranky and begin to deteriorate.

    at 2200 i’ll be in bed trying to sleep.

    ocasionally its ok to dinner at 1900.

  5. “ranking” is a weirdly ambiguous word to use here. There’s no better or worse seating time. If the rank is just seating time (ie, 7:29pm is ranked higher or lower than 7:30pm) then it’s going to exaggerate minuscule differences. I can’t imagine any reason not to use the actual times

  6. I don’t eat lunch so I get ravenously hungry early. The idea of dinner at 10pm drives me insane.

  7. I am more curious about what the avg dinner start time is. I watched that Seinfeld Episode where his parents went to Dinner at like 6 and I was like WTF? That’s late snack at best. Not early dinner. These are not middle ages where you had dinner before Sunset

  8. It would be interesting to normalise this by local time. A lot of places have DST which is kinda cheating.

  9. Idk what’s the definition of restaurant used here but in Japan there’s a late night specific restaurant/bar call Izakaya, typically opens around 5pm and closes at 1am (and they’re absolutely everywhere).

  10. Living in Greece, no restaurant will turn you away until at least midnight. And people have their kids with them at that time, also. Adults eat, kids play.

  11. So there no late night eating on the African continent? Or the analyst just decided to completely ignore us?

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