Recapping the current political discourse on the right

Recapping the current political discourse on the right

Posted by Pessimist2020

  1. Assume I’ve been living under a rock (aka am a filthy Euro) – how else do you drink a milkshake?

  2. Also Tim Walz family members openly voting for Trump, which ultimately makes Tim more relatable. lol

  3. So they aren’t going to wear maxi pads on their ear for two weeks in solidarity and demand House investigations into how it happened?

  4. One of the most iconic American images is two teens sharing a milkshake with a straw. What other lies are they gonna create that goes against pop culture or being normal is next? Watch out Waltz they will make fun of you standing to use a urinal!

  5. Yeah because when I get a milkshake from sonic or McDonald’s and they give me a straw I throw it back at them for assuming I am not going to just stick my face in the milkshake and go bahalalalalallakaka

    As one does

  6. I had too scroll waaaaaaaay to far on the NYT homepage to find anything about the shooting yesterday after it happened.

  7. I think it’s kind of funny that the same people who had meltdowns over straw bans and biodegradable straws are now having tantrums over straws because they see men they don’t like using them. 

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