‘Save Your Fake Prayers’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Ripped Over School Shooting Response

‘Save Your Fake Prayers’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Ripped Over School Shooting Response


Posted by ObjectiveAd6551

  1. hypocrite


    hyp·​o·​crite ˈhip-ə-ˌkrit

    : a person who pretends to have virtues or qualities that he or she does not have

    : a person whose actions contradict their stated beliefs or feelings

  2. If prayers were a reliable thing, I suspect school shootings would have already ended. Pretty sure just about every American has wished for and end to school shootings multiple times. But yet he we are. Why? I don’t think God grants prayers in areas that we can easily fix ourselves. It’s time the drooling religious recognized this.

  3. Disgusting individual. Was going to call her a disgusting human being, but couldn’t relate to her being human.

  4. Had Susan B. Anthony foreseen that her tireless efforts for justice would one day culminate in such an imbecile occupying public office, it might well have driven her to the depths of despair, perhaps even to the unthinkable act of ending her own life.

  5. Dear MTG and MAGA. If your god saved DJT from a shooter, but not the children of Apalachee High School, then you’re worshiping the wrong god.

  6. This kid, the shooter is eerily similar to the Oxford shooter. Only difference is that FBI was just watching.

  7. MAGAS live in a world where god spares Trump from a bullet by redirecting it towards kids and teachers…

    And they’re fine with that.

    Praise Jeebus !

  8. I’ve always believed God gives us all our talents and abilities and then walks away, it’s up to us to realize those talents and abilities. Also, the bible says God can see our entire lifetime at our birth, meaning the path we’re on is set, no amount of prayer will ever alter that path. Prayer is absolutely worthless in every instance. Prayer is telling God to change his mind and alter your path he set for you. How arrogant of us

  9. Waiting for Republicans to have an interest in solving the gun problem in America is a colossal waste of time. The only chance we have is to vote Republicans out of office at every level. When the Democrats have some level of control in government then maybe we can move forward to at least try to fix the problems.

  10. If she really gave a shit, she’d back doing something about it. Surprised she didn’t whip out the picture of Hunter’s dick again, to get us focused on the important issues.

  11. I’m asking those conservatives: How’s that praying working for you? Aside being a smoke screen, God apparently is not listening to your prayers.

  12. Someone help me with this: This kid was on an FBI watch list. Did his parents know that? Did his school counselors? Did anyone make any attempt to reach out to him? I want THAT investigated.

  13. The GOP position on school shootings is more than just weird. It’s sick.

    Save your “thoughts and prayers “biatch”.

  14. All prayers are fake. They are wishes for insincere people to superficially appear like they are helping.

  15. She’ll be waiting to verbally attack one of the wounded kids that calls for gun control, just chase them down screeching

  16. Am I misremembering or didn’t this freakshow get her start in politics harassing a school shooting survivor?

  17. How many school shooting have there been? How many people have prayed afterwards? The praying ain’t working. In fact. The praying sounds like a cop out to admitting this is a human issue that humans need to address. God ain’t helping. And if this is gods plan to murder kids, their god can eat a dick.

  18. These “thoughts and prayers” clowns need to pass reasonable legislation, not just make loud noises and pretend to care… I sure hope there is a blue tsunami so we can get some significant reform going across this nation and knock the religion out of politics!

  19. If only someone could stop this train hurdling towards that crowd of people! – the person holding the button that says STOP

  20. I hate that Crazy Christians make us normal Christians look bad. Actually read your Bible folks, that’s why I’m a Democrat and a school teacher in a Title 1 district.

  21. Ok, thoughts and prayers, explain this.

    A Holocaust survivor dies and goes to Heaven, time to meet God. The survivor tells God a Holocaust joke, to which God says, “That’s not funny,” the survivor replies:

    *”I guess you had to be there.”*

  22. Horrible clowns like MTG 🤡are part of what is so wrong in the world. How in the world is this fool even getting 1 vote ?
    A 100% Class Nasty Buffoon .

    Says a lot about the people that support this brain-dead POS..

  23. Doesn’t she vote against gun control and berated a Sandy Hook survivor? It may have been another school shooting survivor. It’s hard to keep track

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