[OC] Fatal Police Shootings Per Capita in the U.S. (2015 – 2023)

[OC] Fatal Police Shootings Per Capita in the U.S. (2015 – 2023)

Posted by sawotee

  1. This is fascinating but it needs another piece of data incorporated, and I’m not sure how. It needs Native American population and Native American lands.

    > Native Americans died as a result of law enforcement interventions at a rate of 1.6 per 100,000 in 2020. That’s more than **five times the rate for whites**, who died at a rate of 0.3, and **nearly triple the rate for Blacks**, who died at a rate of 0.6.


    That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this map! Is there a way to incorporate that?

    Look at how much it mirrors your map:



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