Last time Donnie was president he gave away classified information to Russia and gloated about doing it. I wonder what he’d do this time?

Last time Donnie was president he gave away classified information to Russia and gloated about doing it. I wonder what he’d do this time?

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. Did you see putins comments that looks like it was pulled straight from the onion.

    How stupid does he think the median voter is?

  2. The fact that he’s running for president again, after being the number one national security threat for four years running is a statement on the Republican Party’s priorities.

  3. Trump won’t have a next time. Watch as his brain deteriorates even further, as if that’s possible.

  4. What he’d do this time? He already told us: he’d let Putin do whatever the hell he wants in Europe. A few more years of disinformation, some right-wing pro-Russian parties (like AfD and Le Pen’s party) winning elections in key EU states and we will have a fascist dystopia in Europe where liking the wrong meme can get you 25 years of prison.

  5. He could give Russia the nuclear launch codes now after the supreme court gave Presidential immunity for whatever they do in office.

  6. But Trump always says “Russia, Russia, Russia!” in a mocking tone, so none of this can be true…


  7. There isn’t going to be a next time. He has turned so many of his previous voters against him that his only option is to lie, steal, and cheat. In other words, business as usual for him.

  8. Call Putin, tell him it is act of war on the US. Remove all restrictions on Ukraine. Let Putin know if we find it continues we join Ukraine

  9. No you have it all wrong. It’s the Republicans helping Russia. They are Russia’s pawns

  10. What do you mean YOU WONDER?

    He already told you he would be dictator, get rid of parts of the constitution, and that we wouldn’t be voting again after that.

  11. Regardless if Russia is helping the GOP, it’s not like they would want the Democrats to win anyway. And since this is a “is or is not”50.50 situation, they’re helping (or at least trying) the GOP.

    Think of this………would the Kremlin want Emmanuel Macron to win?

  12. He will sell full access to Russia. Give Putin a direct line to our secrets.

    He will also stop supporting Ukraine and trying to stop Israel. He will allow Putin and Israel to take as much as they want.

    He will pull out of NATO and other treaties so Putin can continue his land grab.


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