Girl ‘killed’ in West Bank home as Israeli raids continue

Girl ‘killed’ in West Bank home as Israeli raids continue

Posted by Fareeday

  1. “Girl ‘killed inside home’ as Israeli West Bank operation continues”

    No she was shot by the IDF after poking her head out of the window got to love the western mainstream media whose integrity is lacking with not naming Israel’s military time and again they try to construct a narrative such as “girl killed” or “civilians killed” without including the one accountable that targeted those civilians

  2. The jihadists continue to violate rule 97 of the Geneva convention at the cost of their own people. So sad and horrible. Hopefully we’ll see some real change for these people in future years.

    >The Israeli military said armed fighters fired at the soldiers and that they “fired back at a suspect who observed” them.

    >The prohibition of using human shields in the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol I and the Statute of the International Criminal Court are couched in terms of using the presence (or movements) of civilians or other protected persons to render certain points or areas (or military forces) immune from military operations

  3. >A funeral has been held for a 16-year-old Palestinian girl reportedly killed by Israeli forces in the north of the occupied West Bank on the seventh day of a wide-scale Israeli operation.

    >Lujain Musleh’s father said she was shot in the head as she looked out of a window of her home in Kafr Dan, just outside Jenin, after soldiers surrounded a neighbouring house on Tuesday.

    Hamas is a terrorist organization that must be erradicated! Oh, wait…

    We have to sanction Israel immediately. This is a rogue state doing terrorism with the support of every country that hasn’t cut ties with it.

  4. Hamas deliberately kills 6 hostages and this sub goes like: well it’s war and it’s shit. 
    IDF kills one girl in an active combat zone: the Jews are fucking terrorists fucking terrorist state terrorist fucks 

  5. “The Israeli military said armed fighters fired at the soldiers and that they “fired back at a suspect who observed” them.”

    ““The IDF has never, and will never, deliberately target civilians,” it added. “Given the ongoing exchanges of fire, remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks. The IDF will continue to counter threats while persisting to mitigate harm to civilians.””

    We at the IDF never target civilians.. We simply rock up and declare an area an active combat zone and everyone there is now a suspect to be killed if we see them. Oh and by the way #mostmoralarmy

  6. Who looks out out the window when Gun fight is going on the streets? And does that soldier not look before shooting at something? Was it dark or was he a radical Israeli?

  7. And now that the IDF is trying to explain what had happened, they’re suddenly an unreliable source that can’t be trusted. And next time they admit to doing something wrong, they will be fully believed without question.

    Gotta love the cycle

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