Guns are the #1 cause of death for children in America

Guns are the #1 cause of death for children in America

Posted by Spicydojo

  1. And literally the day before the Georgia Gov signed a bill allowing concealed carry without a licence.

    And they’re pushing the line that now is the time for thoughts and prayers, not debate.

    Fuck each and every one of those sick bastards

  2. I read this as “guys” are the #1 cause of death for children in America. I think that statement would be more accurate since theyre the ones pulling the trigger more often than not.

  3. Dear GOP, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, you’re doing wonders to keep our kids safe.

  4. We spent the past century and a half uncovering the means to prevent childhood mortality and morbidity, only to provide everyone with the means to commit mass murder in the name of freedom.

  5. Probably should add: “X number of children have been aborted by guns during the past 10 years in school shootings.” or something.

  6. At this point these gun companies should just come out with a school shooter specific assault rifle. Nothing stopping them.

  7. If these rightwing gun nut chodes really cared about the declining population, banning guns is a place to start.

  8. I feel like it could have been more specific. Maybe:

    “These bullets don’t give a f#ck *how many of your kids they kill.*

    **Neither do Republicans.”**

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