Ukraine carries out one of its biggest-ever drone attacks on Russia

Ukraine carries out one of its biggest-ever drone attacks on Russia

Ukraine launched one of its biggest-ever drone attacks on Russia over the weekend, hitting a refinery and power station deep inside the country, according to videos posted on social media and geolocated by CNN. #CNN #News

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  1. Putin is incompetent. The goal of his war was to stop a future invasion of Russia. Well Ukrainians have invaded and captured parts of Russia. Total embarrassment for Putin.

  2. Imagine an ally of Russia or China invade the U.S. and capturing a city. Americans fleeing their homes to look for safety. This is what’s going on in Russia.

  3. It's been almost 3 years, and it's not ending… Europe is already at war… World War 3 is already happened…and U.N Security Council is not intervening….why? Is it the U.N afraid of Russia???

  4. Let me just make it simple Russia has crushed the Ukraine and continues to crush the Ukraine as they stand 3 deep on their new border on land the ukrainians will never get back again
    …. Any kind of incursion into Russia trying to occupy .00000001%…. Of Russia's land for about 5 minutes just saw zelensky can suck his pockets with some more of those American tax dollars…. You see since this is Joe biden's war he asked for quotas… And it's alinsky don't get his quotas he don't get no money….. Well guess what after Trump re-elected he's not going to get any more money anyway

  5. Hey CNN, Where is your footage from? At 0:54 that is NOT Ukraine. Look at the letters on the "Emergency", what alphabet is this? Stop spreading lies. You have been caught

    And to my fellow Orthodox Brothers and Sisters in Christ in both the ROC and UOC, I am sorry that the USA, EU, UK, and NATO started this war. I pray that Ukraine will get their elections and Russia can throw the Nazi Zelinski in Prison for the rest of his days.

    I am just amazed how many of my fellow Americans are ignorant to the fact that this war started in 2014, not 2022. Probably people that will vote Harris making it a 20+ year war like Korea.

  6. The West is betraying Ukraine again. The first was to deny Ukraine from developing an atomic bomb by promising to protect Ukraine. Now by stopping Ukraine from attacking deep in to Moscow

  7. If Ukraine could Have Their Way,, Russia would be destroyed. open the gate and let Ukraine take care of business. Russia is a disgrace. It’s too bad. The Russian people allow this if that was our president of the United States. We would stop him in his tracks. Russian people need to stop being afraid of that idiot

  8. How can you call Ukraine a country when there was a military coup with the seizure of power by anarchists in 2014, and now it is ruled by an illegitimate person, the country has no president, and the parliament's term of office ended on May 20, 2024? Ukraine is not a country, it is a territory without law and human rights.

  9. You can't call a territory a country where people's rights to freedom and faith are violated! There can't be a country without a president! Zelensky's term ended on May 20, 2024, and since then he is NOT a president! He is illegitimate, an impostor who seized power in the country! A dictator.

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