Israeli Military Returns Body of 58-Year-Old Palestinian Man with Signs of Torture and Abuse

Israeli Military Returns Body of 58-Year-Old Palestinian Man with Signs of Torture and Abuse

Posted by Fareeday

  1. >In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces have returned the body of a Palestinian man who died less than two hours after the Israeli military arrested him. Family members and medical workers say there are clear signs that 58-year-old Ayman Abed was tortured and badly beaten in Israeli custody after he was detained Monday in the village of Kafr Dan.

    >Meanwhile, residents of Jenin are reporting shortages of food, water, power and medicine as Israeli troops lay siege to the city and its refugee camp. Earlier today, the Israeli army also raided the West Bank city of Tulkarm, killing a 14-year-old Palestinian boy.

    Nothing says we’re the most benevolent army in the world like torturing someone to death and then returning the body to relatives. Though I suppose the returning part was only meant to add insult to injury.

  2. Waiting for that one to come and say: if only he told them about the jihadists locations, they would have let him go and live the happiest life he would ever think about.

    The rest is a filling because Idk if i have met the requirment characters for the comment to be allowed getting posted… i have never thought how much i would have to say in order to reach 150 characters before.

  3. Won’t be covered by the front-page of major Western newspaper nor be condemned by any of Western sorld leader… So it didn’t exist and won’t matter, sadly

  4. I mean, after 76 years? Does any of this really Matter now? Everybody knows Whats happen in Palestine and in Israel. And We also know that We can’t do anything about it.   Every Night I go to twitter before sleeping, you guys know what I see there? People are dying in more horrible ways everyday than i could have ever imagined. There are time when i see people burning alive, peoples face or other body parts , childens body parts . there are times when my brain just can’t take any of it. There was a time i used to look into conspiracies. But now I have had enough of all this. There is nothing we can do,  The Palestinian are already dead( Because Israel will make sure that there is no west bank in future). Nobody will ever help them. And in 20 years my grand children’s will read how the Palestinian killed millions of people in Israel. Then in a sudden sickness all of them died. Israel tried to help them but alas they couldn’t help them.

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