Weird Racist Gets Rude Awakening

Weird Racist Gets Rude Awakening

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. Watch the [video here](

    As per [original article]( đź“°:

    – White Supremacist Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes — who notoriously dined with and entertained anti-Semitism-spouting entertainer/entrepreneur Kanye West and former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago — raged at Trump for his recent admissions that he lost the 2020 election.

    A few weeks ago, Trump told reporters, in an aside at a press event, that “I got many millions more votes than I got the first time, but didn’t quite make it, just a little bit short.”

    Since then he has added some caveats about “cheating,” but has made the same admission on multiple occasions.

    In a rant during his podcast, Fuentes lashed out at Trump over the sacrifices of his followers and Fuentes’s own tribulations, and said Trump’s admission validates the criminal charges against him:

    It’s just it’s just really sad.

    And the, the, 2020 comment, it’s like, wow! That’s how pathetic it’s gotten. He’s admitting, he says, “oh, I lost by a whisker.”.

    So what was the point? Like, what’s the point of any of it? You lost in 2020? Seriously? What are we even doing anymore?

    Then you’re a loser! Then you’re. You’re a loser. You just lost. Then you lost to Joe Biden. You deserve to be charged! If you. If he admits that he lost, then that actually vindicates the DoD or I’m sorry, the DOJ charge against him because the charge is that he knew he lost, but he lied to defraud the people! That’s the that’s the DOJ charge.

    So why did we do stop the steal? Why did anyone go to January 6th? Why is anyone sitting in jail? Why did anything bad happen to anybody? Why did everyone get censored? Why is everything bad that has happened to the people that are involved? Why did that need to happen? If you’re just going to walk it all back and say, “oh, I lost.”

    Well, that would have been good to know that before 1600 people got charged! It would have been good to know that before I had all my money frozen, put out a no fly list, banned from everything, lost all banking and payment processing!

    Would have been good to know that. Before I, you know, in 2017, dedicated my life to this as an 18 year old in college. Just feels like a big rip off!

    And don’t get me wrong, I’m an adult. I’m not. It’s not whining. I’m not complaining about it. I’m saying you can’t say those things for that reason.


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  2. He is only mad at himself for failing for it but at least he is now on the road to recovery. Hopefully he can get it together soon enough to help sober up some of his followers

  3. Well, Nick, if you hadn’t had your head up Traitor Trump’s asshole the day after the election you would have seen the truth.

    Traitor Trump lost by over 7 million votes AND almost 60 election lawsuits by Traitor Trump’s lawyers were thrown out of court for lack of evidence.

    Wake the fuck up.

  4. Nah a shit stirrer is gonna shit stir. That’s the buzz, the thrill of it all. Being aware and spreading that awareness is sooooo Normie.

  5. I call bullshit, this fuck head knew it the whole time and tried to monetize the bullshit lie. Fuck him.

  6. Ball up those weird cricket bats you call hands and wipe those tears away and start pulling on those boot straps

  7. Has the rest of the cult took to calling him a trans women yet? Stepping out of line like this normally gets a good whip from the cult

  8. Idiots bought plane tickets to go smear shit all over the Capitol. 

    Everyone knew. 

    They just wanted an excuse to be assholes.

    Enjoy being cut off from the civilized world, you’ve earned it. 

  9. I never thought, the leopards would eat my face! C’mon, sing it with me! I never thouggght the leopards would eat MY face!

  10. It’s funny that he’s not worried about Trump lying, he’s upset that he said it out loud

  11. Nick Fuentes – MAGA Biggest Dumbass, is shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that Trump lied about winning the election that everyone knew he lost.

  12. This is so typical of anyone that supports Trump. They only realize Trump cares about himself when its too late. It must suck to be a MAGA cult member. You can warn them that a rich conman grifter only wants to look after himself but they will never listen until its too late.

  13. What’s really funny is that 1600 of you actually believed a man that lies every time he opens his mouth. And believed him enough to get yourself charged with a crime.
    And you’re upset now ? The man is a pathological liar and a grifter. Only thing you should be upset about is that you and 1600 other people fell for it.

  14. Form follows function, Donald Trump uses people and then when they can’t provide services he just throws them away as worthless trash!

  15. “Then you’re a loser! Then you’re. You’re a loser.”

    Sounds like he’s mainly upset that he’s been supporting a loser.

  16. They knew. They just didn’t care and believed the orange cunt would dole out pardons. Congrats on being stupid

  17. I feel like if you get put on a no-fly list and get your bank accounts frozen that’s more of a you thing than a political thing. 

  18. We all knew because Trump believes if you keep repeating a lie it becomes true. Those of us with critical thinking skills are able to see this.

    Look at what he has done to those who stood up for him. He has thrown them under the bus. Giuliani has lost all credibility. Anyone who thinks he cares about anyone but himself is a fool.

    While I’m on my soapbox. Trump was the worst president ever. He made stupid decisions. He was golfing for more than 1/4 of his presidency. More than anyone before him. After saying he wouldn’t. When present, he did not understand anything he was being told. He had zero diplomacy skills.

    I could go on but the people who already know this don’t care and the people that don’t probably can’t read.

  19. Spoken with the fervor of a man desperately trying to establish an alibi before the fraud charges land.

  20. Trump; Finally tells the obvious truth, which everyone already knows.

    Fuentes: “Whaaaaaaaaaaat???? He WAS LYING???!!!”

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