German police kill gunman near Israeli Consulate in Munich 52 years after Munich Olympics attack

German police kill gunman near Israeli Consulate in Munich 52 years after Munich Olympics attack

Posted by Phnrcm

  1. And the award for sorest losers of the twenty first century goes to ………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………

    palesti- I mean non Jewish Israelis!

  2. Wow, the Austrians really got worse at this whole killing Jews thing since WW2, couldn’t even injure anyone.

    Well done to the cops, it’s a good thing another tragedy has been prevented.

  3. That’s exactly one of the reasons why every obviously jewish entity has to be protected by police here. For everyone wondering why there is a steady police presence at every synagoge in germany. Protection from hate.

    I really would have liked to see the timeline where jewish culture and entertainment would have flourished *in germany* after the 20’s. Sad indeed.

    edit: *in germany*

  4. I see some pro Israel people using the polio vaccination campaign as a proof that Israel is not commiting a genocide etc.

    However, Israel is an occupier and has obligation like providing drugs and food to the population of the occupied Gaza according to the Geneva convention.

    Additionally, these vaccines were provided by the UN (specifically the WHO). Israel merely agreed to let those vaccines in to Gaza.

    Also Israel won’t allow children in southern parts of Gaza to get vacvinated.

    Not to mention, Israeli military actions like the destruction of water supply and wastewater disposal networks across the Gaza etc that is responsible for the creation of this polio threat.

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