Ukrainian Forces halt Russian advance, stabilize Pokrovsk front

Ukrainian Forces halt Russian advance, stabilize Pokrovsk front

by Orcasystems99

  1. Didn’t see this coming! I hope they can turn the momentum and cut off that salient. Asking a lot though, last estimate I seen was 30,000-50,000 Russian troops facing off around 12,000-15,000 Ukrainians.

  2. May it be Russia’s Ardenne offensive with the same results. 2024 Battle of the Bulge is being fought right in front of Pokrovsk.

  3. Today I have read the headline:
    “Apti Alaudinov stated that Russia’s victory in the special military operation zone has already taken place”
    Апти Алаудинов заявил о уже состоявшейся победе России в зоне СВО
    And if Alaudinov says so, then the situation must be dire for the Russians.

  4. Really hoping this is true. Ukraine is operating their fronts with efficient internal lines of logistics. I wouldn’t be surprised if elements from Kursk were moved to the Donbas since Russia didn’t take the bait.

  5. That whole advance is sticking out like a thumb waiting to be chopped off. I feel like an armored fist at the base of it would have the russians running.

  6. What’s the logic of sending new forces to halt Russians now? They now have a large salient where they can launch attacks in many directions.

  7. After the war, we will get a little more info on how Russia was able to advance here and what it cost them.

  8. Just saw a report on this, it seems to be a direct result from the Kursk offensive to have pulled ruzzian assets from the Donbas

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