Publisher sorry after fury over ‘trash’ depiction of traditional Irish family | The publishers said that the activity in an Irish schoolbook that features a controversial depiction of an Irish family will be replaced.

Publisher sorry after fury over ‘trash’ depiction of traditional Irish family | The publishers said that the activity in an Irish schoolbook that features a controversial depiction of an Irish family will be replaced.

by Forward-Answer-4407

  1. ” The Irish family eat “potatoes, bacon and cabbage every day,” “do not like change or difference” and the children “get told off if we mix with people with a different religion from ours as they would be a bad influence.”


    “In contrast, the mixed-race family “love change and difference,” eat “curry, pizza and Asian food,” travel internationally, and visit art galleries.” 


  2. Ah yes, those famous families that are so racist that they refuse to eat anything apart from their own national food

  3. Strangely, they can’t seem to find anyone other than “the publisher” that is responsible. No people involved, just a faceless company. No reviewers, no government approvers, no writers, no artists, no actual person had anything to do with it, apparently. Complete mystery how this got written, edited, illustrated, approved, published, purchased and taught.

  4. So like, I’m Irish, and I’m not usually too fussed by the likes of this, but it was truly ridiculous. I have absolutely no idea how they wrote this, and reviewed it, and thought “yeah, this is a great idea”.

  5. As was pointed out when r/ireland broke the story, there’s compelling evidence that both might be AI written. The authors and editors involved should be unable to have their works on the syllabus ever again if so.

  6. Probably 50 people had reviewed the content of this book before it was published.

    How much of a chicken shit of a functioning adult you need to be not to push back on w/e piss headed DEI consultant came up with this spiteful and disgusting content…

  7. I’m not sure where Noirins’ father got his misconceptions about yoga, but the pulblisher should have thrown in some facts to clarify. For example Irelands most popular search on Pornhub is ‘Irish’, fallowed by ‘milf’ and ‘lesbian’ (obviously its not just potatoes being savoured), with no mention of ‘interracial’ anywhere on the list😉.

  8. Maybe it was joint Folens/Edco effort.

    Albert’s boys wrote up Family A and Mick Smurfits crew did Family B.

  9. Sorry isn’t good enough. This is vile racism and oh so typical of that Dublin set that looks down on anything vaguely connected to Irish culture. It’s far beyond the usual Dei stuff they intentionally left this bit out of the Irish language version of the book they were fully aware of what they were doing in advance.

  10. Funnily enough I don’t see the book *judging* the overtly stereotypical Irish family. If I were Irish, I’d just double down on it.

  11. The cosmopolitan multi-racial family must be pretty rich if they can afford all that international travel.

  12. Imagine publishing a textbook in China where 3/4 of the family weren’t Han Chinese, or in Botswana where 3/4 of the family weren’t black.

  13. The writers of the book are also blatant snobs as well- the “traditional” family is clearly poorer whilst the woke self-satisfied other family are “cosmopolitan” and wealthy enough to spend their summers away.

  14. Participating in your own native culture = Bad

    Less indigenous people of the country you inhabit and removing elements of your native culture= Good

    Totally sane ideas to put out there apparently..

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