Russian BMP gets blown into pieces

Russian BMP gets blown into pieces

by AgreeableFreedom6203

  1. Are those fresh crops? Is this russia? Or some badass Ukrainian just casually planting his new harvest while those bastards push on his town?

  2. My first thought was; “why standing so close, you do know that a tank is loaded with high explosives right?!”.

    My second thought was; “i hope it was filmed by a Russian and his leg get amputated by a piece of metal flying his way”.

  3. My goodness those Russians when they fart with so much vodka they really blow things away

  4. I know it’s beyond the point and a lot of suffering is happening, but I feel so bad for the agricultural workers who despite everything go out to plow fields with the hopes of harvest only to have their fields be turned into battle grounds or covered with mines

  5. What really pisses me off is that the crops are planted. It’s a beautiful field. And now it’s gone to shit, probably nobody will be harvesting anything from that field this year. Just because of Russia.

  6. Farmers are another kind of breed. He worked the land knowing that at any time a battle would ruin everything.

  7. Is this ok for BMP to do that? What can possibly detonate there that much? Perhaps it was carrying some mines or smth?

  8. Most crops are planted in the spring. The only one I can think of that’s planted in the fall is winter wheat. That’s not winter wheat so I think it’s an older video.

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