Trump Makes Shocking Promise After Ex-Adviser Charged in Russia Scheme: One of Donald Trump’s former campaign advisers was just charged over his work for Russian state media. But Trump doesn’t seem to care.

Trump Makes Shocking Promise After Ex-Adviser Charged in Russia Scheme: One of Donald Trump’s former campaign advisers was just charged over his work for Russian state media. But Trump doesn’t seem to care.

Posted by FreedomsPower

  1. Not beating the Russia collusion allegations when you want to remove the USA from NATO and want to lift economic sanctions on Russia for starting the War in Ukraine.

  2. More and more blatantly open about where his allegiance lies. Why?

    He knows something we don’t, he knows come Nov. He’s got the election in the bag, it’ll be close enough to draw scrutiny but not enough to look like what it is, GTC.

    Grand Theft Country.

  3. Doesn’t care?
    Trump encourages these kinds of actions from all his supporters.
    Lock him up for treason already.

  4. Look the only reason he didn’t go scorched earth during his first term is because there was opportunity for a second. There will be no limit to the fucked shit he’ll pull this go round.

  5. Trump will never care about the gullible losers that follow him lol. Are these people him? No, so why would he care?
    Empathy is a weakness to him. Only losers and suckers care about other people.

  6. Trump will do anything to win

    Also he’s too mentally addled to even understand these details. Did anyone bother to watch his speech today? It’s time to put him in a home already

  7. The coverage of this blot on American media is like one of those bleak Russian novels that recount a dark family history.

    Father beat mother again today. She washed the blood off her hair, her jaw swollen as she mopped the now cold stew off the freezing stone floor. It would be ten more years till she finally rested at the Kirblunsk graveyard. Unbeaten, with no more blood to spill. She was happy, finally.

  8. He encouraged this behaviour and then his minions enabler his behaviour. It’s a giant circle jerk.

  9. Mark my words: at some point Donald is going to slip and admit to being personally influenced by the Russians and that “it’s a good thing. A great thing.”

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