Just what the US needs, another great idea… lower corporate taxes

Just what the US needs, another great idea… lower corporate taxes


by ShortUSA

  1. But hell, it might not be great for the country, but it is fantastic for generating industry political donations for campaigns, parties and PACs. Hurray!

  2. “Tell me you don’t understand economics without telling me you don’t understand economics.”

    Congrats, you have proven just that.

  3. Consumers are the ones who ultimately pay corporate income taxes so yeah, I don’t have a problem with reducing or even eliminating them. It would be a massive boost to the economy and has the potential to help bring inflation down. We don’t need to be giving career politicians and bureaucrats more money, that’s for sure.

  4. High corporate taxes encourage companies to spend on R&D and salaries, as these activities are deductions.

    “A Brookings Institute report revealed that since 1973, American innovation, as measured by total factor productivity growth, has dropped by more than half, from an annual rate of 1.9 percent to just 0.7 percent. ”

    We need to encourage companies to innovate through with higher corporate taxes.

  5. Can I sell you on a negative corporate tax rate? Just think of how much more competitive our (holy) job creators (oligarchs) would be then?

  6. I think it is misleading or at least inappropriate for this graph to include social insurance payments alongside corporate and income taxes while being labeled revenue.

    Social insurance is meant to pay for itself, the others are meant to pay for all the other things the government does.

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