Pls share this to someone you know is from the Republic of Ireland and is a gamer

Pls share this to someone you know is from the Republic of Ireland and is a gamer

by Ambitious-Phase-8521

  1. In the case of single player offline games I totally agree. I really don’t think, however, that we can expect developers to keep servers running indefinitely. That costs money.

    If you ate at a burrito bar every Monday for lunch and it slowly became always empty, then one day you show up and its closed due to lack of business, would you complain to the council about your rights as a fast food consumer to have your weekly burrito at your regular burrito bar?

  2. If the doesn’t work without server infrastructure then it will cost the company to support it indefinitely.

    Many of these games can’t operate with the servers turned off.

    I am all for people having access to their games but some of these games require servers to run, even if you aren’t playing multiplayer.

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