Vater eines bei einem Schulmassaker in Georgia festgenommenen Jungen festgenommen

Vater eines bei einem Schulmassaker in Georgia festgenommenen Jungen festgenommen

  1. >CNN reported that the weapon was a Christmas present to his son.

    I fucking hate the gun culture in this country. The same people that want to go on rants about how inflation reduces your buying power are completely unable to transpose that concept onto gun ownership. If there was one thing I could snap my fingers and suddenly make people NIMBYs about. It would be gun ownership. Pull that fucking ladder up behind you, it makes your gun more valuable now that it’s harder for anyone else to acquire. Flooding our country with guns just means more are possibly pointing back at you at some time or another. This isn’t rocket science.

  2. “Only in America.” – Don King

    You don’t see school shootings happening in other countries (even with easy access to illegally obtained guns) like it happens in America.

  3. — CNN: Weapon was a Christmas present from the father to his son.

    — Atlanta Journal Constitution: Mother of the suspect has a criminal record spanning more than 17 years and four counties, court records show.

    When I was a little kid, I lived in that part of the country for several years. My playmates were the local kids. Their parents all had guns … some of them lots of guns.

    Swore to myself that I would never ever live there again.

  4. The fact the shooter was investigated before committing this crime, and still ended up committing the crime is quite telling. It really is impossible to keep children safe in such a Gun focused culture, with such lax laws surrounding it.

  5. So in May/2023 the police talked to the dad of this kid about him making threats about shooting up his school and the dad assured them that all the guns were locked up. Then the dad give the kid an AR-15 for a Christmas present?!

  6. The deadly incident on Sept. 4 was the 218th time a gun was fired or brandished at a school so far in 2024. 18 of the 46 people killed in school shootings were under the age of 18 (a figure that does not include the two students and two teachers killed in the Sept. 4 shooting). There have been 10 school shooting incidents in Georgia In this year alone.

  7. I’m pleased to see this catching on the US. Somebody needs to be held accountable when people are attacked, injured or killed with a firearm. If not the kids doing it then who? The parents are responsible of course. If they can clearly show they tried all they could to get the kid help and correct the behaviour and remove the guns then fine but otherwise – throw the book at them. They’re no different that people who raise attack dogs who get loose and kill people.

  8. The shooter was questioned by police last year for making threats online. And then the father gives him an assault rifle. The father should go to prison, at a minimum for being criminally moronic and also charged for felony redneck. Waiting for Trump to start supporting him.

  9. If the parents where separating and the boy was living with his father, why would the mother be charged too?

  10. This morning as I was dropping my son off at middle school. This guy dropped off his little girl in a new dodge ram with hawk tawh spit on that thing, fuck around and find out and a big 2a sticker in his back window. I had a city committee hold a special meeting because I put a Biden sign outside of my business at the airport on Election Day in 2020.

  11. Heck ya, america! Guns for every troubled kid! Here’s a rifle for you, a shotgun for you, and all the handguns you can stuff in your pockets! This is what Benjamin Franklin and George Washington wanted, non-stop mowing down of children!

  12. Sounds like he’s already publicly and legally buried himself with info he willingly gave out. It’s sort of wild that he didn’t immediately realize he was facing legal consequences and needed to sort his shit out

  13. Why do these parents do this? I don’t understand!! As rebellion? Hatred towards the world? Anger?

  14. What a shit country. Those poor innocents. Ar15 are not for hunting, they’re for idiots who shouldn’t own guns.

  15. Yes. More. Hold the gun owners accountable! It’s our responsibility to have firearms locked up and ammunition stored separately. There are so many options open on the market.

  16. This is a great precedent. Arrest the parents of any minor that goes on a murder spree as they are either the ones who bought the gun, or so negligent of their parenting they didn’t know their kid was troubled.

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