A factory in the Tula region is reportedly on fire. The factory was said to produce components for automobiles, machinery, personal protective equipment, and more.

A factory in the Tula region is reportedly on fire. The factory was said to produce components for automobiles, machinery, personal protective equipment, and more.

by ThatGuySK99

  1. Russian factories tend to have a large variety of products that they produce. Or parts of a variety of products. At one point Ukraine will eventually hit the factory that produces the one part that’s needed in all of the Russian products. A metal washer or sealing ring. And then it will all be over.

  2. They’re future is literally going up in flames in front of thier eyes. Not sure why the pro Ru kiddos still think they will have a future after this.. Pootin literally has to pay back everything lost man power, tanks, planes, subs, IFV, APCs. Now factories and assembly plants are burning.

    Yup Russia sure has a solid future /s ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Love to see how well the fire brigade is equipped and is dealing with these situations!!
    I mean…
    The roof
    The roof
    The roof is on fire!!

    We cant wait a second to see all you orcs burn!!!

    Slava ukraini!!!


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