Russia-Ukraine war: Can JASSM missiles turn the tide for Ukraine? | WION Fineprint

Russia-Ukraine war: Can JASSM missiles turn the tide for Ukraine? | WION Fineprint

Russia has ruled out any peace talks with Ukraine and this comes amid Kyiv raising pressure on the Kremlin by claiming fresh advances in its offensive into Russian territory. Watch in for more details.

#russiaukraineconflict #russiaukrainewar #putin

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  1. Don't you remember they already told us himars, leopards , storm shadows will change tide of war?? Stop this western BLABLAAA and lies ,they think Russia will wait them to bomb them 😂😂 madness

  2. Russian just try to used up all the old stock, same with other countries selling their old stock and out data weapon to Ukraine. The new so call new F-16 is game changer which is 20 years old technology. Look at what kinds of Russian fighters jets have. Look at Ukraine population now and before. I don’t think Russian needs to use any of the nukes unless outsider try to move in. Which will be a huge mistake.

  3. Russia and Ukraine are fyting but NATO is going bankrupt I 🤔🤔 why.. VW factories in Germany are about to start shutting down after 87 years… Can't these pple just go for peace plz the whole world is suffering bcus of this 2…

  4. Give Ukraine everything they want until they can’t ask for anything else .. at that point they will realize the only way out is to capitulate.. have been wasting lives for long enough being used by NATO .. they will never win against Russia.. is a fact !!

  5. Russia stated years ago, one cruise missile into Russia they would consider it "nuclear" in which case would mean a response. That was way before the current conflict even before Crimea. As the missiles would be made by western countries could that be a trigger for a wider conflict or would Russia hold its nerve. This I believe why the US , UK etc are worried about letting the Ukraine do this. Right at the beginning we in the west were worried that this could spiral out of control even with tanks etc and no fly zones. Just imagine if a cruise missile fired from Ukraine were to hit a command and control centre in Moscow. Would they say "All is fair in love and war" or let the birds fly. No matter what side of the fence we are on, it would not be in Russia's interest or ours for that to happen. I know that the hawks out there might say it is up to Ukraine to decide and that would be the case if they made the weapons and had their own satellites etc. But as far as I know they do not. They are a very ingenious and are very bright. This stand off will end one day hopefully before the birds fly in either direction.

  6. If you said that russia is divastating urian why in the hell putin made stern warning for nuclear war if he is gaining an upper hand? Why nuclear? Maybe your news is bias maybe ukrain is in the upperhand not the other way around.

  7. Putin is scared. He want to talk peace now after murdering thousands of Ukrainians and destroying hospitals, schools, malls, residential buildings, power generators etc. This war criminal should be brought to justice and let Russians taste what Ukrainians gone through.

  8. READ!

    1. We are ALL sinners – (Rom. 6:23) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    *Sin separates us from the Holy God

    2. There is a punishment for our sin -(Rom. 6:23a) For the wages of sin is death;

    * Death – eternal death – HELL

    3. God loves us, He does not want us to go to Hell, He provided a way for our escape from Hell – (Rom. 5:8) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    * Because of God's love for us, He sent his only son Jesus Christ to die in our place on the cross. Jesus Christ took all the weight of our sins so we can be saved through grace, NOT our works.

    * The blood that Jesus shed on the cross can wash away our sins and make us clean

    4. Through Jesus Christ, we can now have eternal life in HEAVEN – (Rom. 6:23b) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    *Gift – free, but you can only have it if you receive it. If you reject it then the punishment of Hell is waiting for you

    5. How can I receive eternal life? – (Rom. 10:9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 

    * You have to admit you are a sinner and you cannot save yourself from Hell nor go to Heaven through your own efforts.

     You have to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried and rose again after 3 days and that He and only He can save you from hell.

    (Roman 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  

    * Whosoever means anyone including me and you! 

    Do you want to do it? Pray this prayer:

    Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and cannot save myself from hell. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again. I believe that only  Jesus Christ can save me from Hell and He is the only way to Heaven.  I accept Jesus Christ in my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for eternal life. Amen.

  9. The longer range missiles will lead to more structural damage and death on both sides, especially in Ukraine. Zelensky may ask for B52 bombers in the next round. Zelensky is sacrificing his country on delusional ideals. He had a great moment in March 2022 to sign a peace & Neutrality treatyl where by Russia would exit Donbass. It's shameful that Pres. Biden & P.M Boris Johnson(Axis of Evil) blocked the signing of the treaty. Zelensky was stupid to listen to them. Ukraine doesn't need to be in Nato to purchase defensive weapons or Join the European Union. Pres. Biden & Sec. Blinken are complete idiots for provoking the war over future Nato membership and escalating it to the detriment of all Ukrainians. No one in the U.S. or Europe has the balls to stand up and announce an ultimatum to stop this foolish war (except Victor Orban)

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