Barron Trump after 4 days at NYU

Barron Trump after 4 days at NYU

Posted by lala_b11

  1. What kind of rich asshole would name their foreign wife’s anchorbaby Barron. Wtfrick man? Deport her and Elon. Please.

  2. I’m pretty sure he will grow up to be someone who likes to shoot lions and laugh at the poor like his siblings.

  3. I saw an interview with an NYU student online this morning and the guy said “Barron Trump? Wow. Well, if he wants to get laid here, he’s gonna have to change his politics REAL quick.”

  4. he was raised by the most money centric of sociopaths to be like them and it seems he is if not worse.

  5. LOL as if he’ll have to mingle. I was at Penn with friends in Wharton when Ivanka “attended”; she lived off-campus all four years and barely ever showed her face at a class. Why would you bother with the education when Daddy’s money has already bought you the degree?

  6. From what I’ve heard, he’s already become a public menace who might need to be brought up on charges. He also appears to have an incestuous interest in his own mother 🤮

  7. Looks like my freshman roommate. He showed up a nice, clean cut jewish kid from Jersey. He left a pot smoking, long hair bandana wearing, guitar playing dude.

  8. Let’s hope. He’s still young, there’s an outside chance he doesn’t turn out to be a piece of shit.

  9. Except he’s an animal abusing psychopath and belongs behind bars like the rest of his family

  10. …tax cheat, inveterate liar, adulterer, wannabe dictator, narcissist, fear monger, draft dodger, braggart, schoolyard bully, imbecile….

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