USA erheben Anklage gegen Mitglieder des russischen Militärgeheimdienstes wegen Cyberangriffs auf die Ukraine

USA erheben Anklage gegen Mitglieder des russischen Militärgeheimdienstes wegen Cyberangriffs auf die Ukraine

  1. Their organizational structure was dependent on conscripts filling the Manpower needs of their primary Combined Arms Unit (BTG). The overall idea in the Armed Forces was that, since no mobilization or calling of reserves happened, then no fighting was expected.

    So the initial invasion of Ukraine had columns of vehicles that constituted undermanned and under supplied units. The officer cadre expected to parade into Ukraine, carrying their Dress Uniforms.

    The only prepared formation that entered the conflict were the VDV, in their Tragic Assault on Hostomel Airport. Their Air Assault was a success when you consider only the Tactical Level.

    It was a gross failure of command. They had no Order of Battle that made sense, the Northern Pushes answered to Western Military District, the South to SMD, there was no Singular Ukraine Theatre Command. The RuAF and Navy equally never liased.

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