The war in Ukraine is already over—Russia just doesn’t know it yet

The war in Ukraine is already over—Russia just doesn’t know it yet

The War in Ukraine Is Already Over—Russia Just Doesn’t Know it Yet

by Barch3

  1. [The Russian offense towards Pokrovsk is progressing]( The Ukrainian incursion looked good for headlines, but it failed in its goal to divert Russian troops from Eastern Ukraine. Russia will gladly allow Ukraine to temporarily hold inconsequential territory to achieve more significant strategic goals. If the war is over, it is because Ukraine is ready to negotiate a peace deal.

  2. Exactly. Putler is terrified of these Modern Western Weapons. His illegal invasion of the Ukraine will not go unpunished, and every inch of land will be taken back. Russia will lose. Once NATO enforces a no fly zone and gets troops in there, it will be over in 2 weeks.

  3. It won’t be over before the American election in November, when President Harris has control of the house and the Senate and has the members of the Supreme Court of the United States of America are terrified,she will be able to communicate with The people she needs to in Ukraine. At that point it will be all but mopping up what was Russia.

  4. Even if Russia wins, it will be a pyrrhic victory. They lost so many weapons and manpower to a war that they predicted will be over in 3 days. I still have hope for Ukraine that they can turn the tide of this war in their favor especially in the Eastern front.

  5. Putin could send half the Russian population so die, send the economy back to the beginning of the last millennium, could turn the military to nothing but horses and carts, but if he manages to destroy Ukraine and her people, then Russia wins because Putin never gave up and never surrendered. The Russian people would have suffered mightily for the endeavor, but had to be either defeated or exhausted.

    Putin could use a nuke and if the US and NATO are true to their word to use every conventional weapon they have to destroy the Russian military and ability to function, leaving most of Russia in ashes, then Russia wins because Putin was the only one who had the balls to use a nuke.

    Losing and winning in the Russian calculus is not what people think it is, and sometimes spans a lot longer span of time than what most people pay attention to.

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