How Many Russian Oil Refineries Has Ukraine Damaged So Far, And Where?

How Many Russian Oil Refineries Has Ukraine Damaged So Far, And Where?

by UNITED24Media

  1. “According to a Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report, Ukraine reduced Russia’s oil refining volumes by an estimated 14% as of June. Yet Russia still has a refining capacity that is 2.5 times larger than its own needs, which means Ukraine needs even more long-range drones and missiles to tank Russia’s oil production.

    Russia has about 30 large oil refineries and dozens of small ones, producing 530 million tonnes of oil annually.”

  2. “Russia still has a refining capacity that is 2.5 times larger than its own needs,”

    I do not think this is correct. russia is suspending the export of refined oil and importing it from its neighbors.I believe the damage is worse than they are admitting……

  3. The main purpose seems to be to force Russia to keep their air defence up everywhere. This prevents them from concentrating air defence on areas important in the conflict. We heard Russia withdrew equipment from the Finnish border and Kaliningrad. They are among the few regions where Russia is mostly safe from Ukrainian attacks.
    Reducing their fuel is a great feat as well of course.

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