School shootings are just “a fact of life” says man behind bulletproof glass and flanked by armed security detail

School shootings are just “a fact of life” says man behind bulletproof glass and flanked by armed security detail

Posted by StuartGT

  1. Someone asked me once… “Sandra, what is your purpose in this world, like are you just here to be an idiot” and I responded, yes and no.

  2. I’m sure he’d say put bullet proof glass and armed guards in schools. (We’ll have to cut some teacher pay to fund this of course)

  3. “As an American, ‘Christian ‘, politician, I’ve sold my soul to the American Gun Lobby for political election contributions, which are worth far more than your children’s lives!”

  4. Immigration is a fact of life. Abortion is a fact of life. Trans people are a fact of life. And yet you fuckers work extra hard to get rid of those things.

  5. It’s like they know their going to prison for the rest of their life. Vance should get a contact prison sentence.

  6. Whoever is selling this guy shovels is making a fortune, because every time he opens his mouth he digs another hole.

  7. Yeah let’s just ignore the fact that he was advocating for enhanced security in schools during the speech here…. which is literally what we need.

    This could be in the form of bulletproof booths with students’ desks inside of it, for instance. I swear y’all Libs just cherry pick shit out of context to paint Republicans as the bad guy…

  8. The security makes a good show, but let’s be honest. Nobody cares enough about Shady Vance enough to bother with offing him.

  9. This is what Trump’s cancer brings. Vance was just a borderline conservative asshole until Trump. Now, well, you be the judge.

  10. Every data source and organization that tracks gun crime, gun laws and gun deaths shows the same correlation. The stricter the gun laws the less crime/death. Period. Its not up for discussion. And outlying states like Illinois always point to neighboring states, such as Wisconsin, Missouri, Kentucky and Indiana with weak laws that allow guns to be purchased and easily brought across state lines illegally. ATF data shows more than half the guns used in crime in Illinois come from out of state vendors.

    Its really not hard. Make gun laws nationwide, watch what happens. But Captain Eye-Liner accepts it as “just a fact of life.”

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