Utilities rely on dirty ‘peaker’ plants when power demand surges, but there are alternatives

Utilities rely on dirty ‘peaker’ plants when power demand surges, but there are alternatives


by Vailhem

1 comment
  1. Not a bad article, but I disagree with this.

    >Most consumers, however, don’t currently pay prices that reflect short-term changes in wholesale electricity costs. Moreover, it’s uncertain whether residential customers would alter their consumption based on short-horizon price fluctuations. Technologies such as smart thermostats and energy management apps could help by taking the burden off consumers to manually adjust their electricity use in response to price fluctuations.

    Myself and other people who I know that have extreme time of day pricing definitely adjust to time. I get my house really cold over night in the summer. If it’s a really hot day I will keep it cool then turn the AC up right before 4PM. I set my dishwasher to start after midnight.

    We know when the peak use time is. This isn’t a mystery. I lowered my electricity bill a lot when I switched to time of day pricing.

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