Friday Fread (6 Sep 24)

…but I do believe that means the weekend is almost here!

Come on in, have a chat, and ponder why you have to keep ordering more socks – it’s Friday!

by dexbydesign89

  1. Woke up early today (3am) after having a very vivid nightmare. Thankfully I managed to get back to sleep until about 5:30, but that dream was on my mind and still is now…

    Anywho, I’m shocked to learn that Asda everyday tea bags won the “best brew” competition by Which?

  2. I need the weekend – I’ve been overdoing things a lot, or at least my knees seem to think so. so I want to have a couple of days where I sit around the house in my shorts playing games. The weather today may seem to be dreich to most folk, to me it’s a godsend.

  3. New Blink music and I’m absolutely here for it. Trying desperately not to buy a new t-shirt in celebration.

  4. Spent the night playing through GTA 3 on the original xbox (while listening to some true crime),
    hopefully replaying Vice soon
    Nice to revisit but damn, these 3rd party controllers are garbage.

  5. Happy Friday!
    In an unfamiliar part of town and one house has a sizeable bust of a famous person in their garden (average two bed). I am amazed that it hasn’t been taken, interested in the backstory and their commitment to that person.

    My question is, if you were to place a sizeable bust of a famous person in yoyr front garden, who would it be and why?

  6. Had to take the car to the garage today. The heater stopped blowing warm air. I thought it was probably a failed thermostat but garage guy says that’s unlikely. Eek. I bet this is going to be expensive but I can’t have a cold car when winter gets here. Argh.

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