„Bereit für Friedensgespräche, Indien könnte vermitteln“: Russlands Putin zum Ukraine-Krieg

„Bereit für Friedensgespräche, Indien könnte vermitteln“: Russlands Putin zum Ukraine-Krieg


  1. LoL Russia is hallucinating rn. The once peace talks that will be agree no ifs and no buts is that the Russians must be kicked out of all Ukrainian territory, sent Putin and his evil people to the ICC for their war crimes and many more.

  2. Sure, ready for “peace” plan under Russian duress. Russia may still think it has “upper” hand but Ukraine is not taking it and dishing back better.

  3. Fun fact, India was also the mediator between North and South Vietnam during the Vietnam partition because it was considered neutral by both the communist and the western countries even back then.

  4. There will be peace when Russia is out of Ukraine, including Crimea (which has always been Ukraine too).

    Full stop.

  5. Would India want an end to the war? They’ve been getting a great discount on Russian oil for a while now because of the decreased demand from europe.

  6. This would be a disaster for Putin. Yes, India is the most important trade partner for Russia and without it they could go bankrupt at some point. But this is the main issue. India indeed is creating billions in profit from this war. They are not losing many men in Ukraine besides the few Russia tricked into the military. For Modi the war is not an issue. Europe is so far from India that they really don’t have much thought about it as they have giant economic issues themselves anyhow and are protecting 3-4 borders daily too. BRICKS is what India worries about. Countries like Brazil and South Africa that also don’t care about what happens in Europe. With Lula, the socialist, also being pro Putin.

    China and Brazil are the best options for Putin. Horrible for Ukraine.

  7. Look I can negotiate the peace too: Leave Ukraine. Complete peace overnight. I am a genius, where’s my fucking nobel prize, putin?

  8. Putin needs to be in chains and subject to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques.

  9. Honestly with how bad Russia has been doing I am surprised other countries have not joined Ukraine

  10. Any “peace deal” that recognizes stolen territories as a part of russia and/or forces Ukraine to abandon their plans to join NATO and doesn’t provide an alternative that’ll be equivalent to the Article 5, will only be an invitation for russia to invade Ukraine again as soon as they rebuild their army. I hope people who make decisions understand this.

  11. He’s been saying that for ages. The problem is his peace terms are “gimme gimme gimme”.

  12. Not happening

    It’s the same bullshit that he’s been doing since the moment it became clear Ukraine will fight back

    “We have come to make peace. We get to keep ALL of the territory we seized, pay nothing in return for the damage to families and infrastructure we caused, no guarantee that we won’t just invade again all while demanding you stay out of EU/NATO, etc. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DECLINE?! GOD THESE UKRAINIANS JUST SIMPLY DON’T WANT PEACE”

  13. Where would the assurance be that Putin won’t just massively rearm and then try again? He should really fuck off.

  14. Ukraine is doing fantastic and does not need peace talks! They are doing so well even Kuleba and others have resigned!

  15. Lol

    Again trying to get Western govts to pressure Ukraine into just giving up territory, so Russia can hold it, re-arm and try again in a couple of years, using the occupied territories’ populations as cannon fodder.

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