British prisoners could be sent to Estonian jails in bid to ease overcrowding

British prisoners could be sent to Estonian jails in bid to ease overcrowding

by OkLawfulness5555

  1. I wonder whether we get radical islamic fundamentalists or average white dads who have said out loud that mass immigration might not be a good idea.

  2. So they would need to create a new Schengen prisonners visa ?
    Thats the famous terrorist immigration they are all talking about in AFD ? /s

  3. I am for it. There have been talks about closing one prison because the number of prisoners has been declining.

    The cost for one prisoner was 1/3 cheaper in Estonia than in the UK, and.. we don’t need tonlsy off hundreds of prison guards and other people

  4. Why not Rwanda? In all seriousness would salvage some of the money sunk there by the previous UK gov.

  5. I read the title as British *pensioners* … neither aee good signs. 

    I hope uk can invest in its people again and stop some of the social deterioration from underfunding and dis-investment of social and health programmes. Also, did the prisons there get / stay privatised? 

  6. It seems like a bad idea to send criminals to network with other criminals where they’ll end up collaborating and bringing eastern crime West and vice versa.

  7. For all the people that got jailed for posting an English flag or song lyrics on Facebook.

    Maybe drop them on an Island instead, like Australia.

  8. Asylum seekers in Rwanda

    Prisoners in Estonia

    Royal family in the USA

    The overpopulation problem in the UK is out of control !

  9. Missed a great chance to rebrand the channel Islands e.g. Jersey, Les Dirouilles, Ecréhous, Minquiers, Pierres de Lecq, La Motte into:

    # Jailiwick of Jersey

  10. Since most of the prisoners in Estonia are Russians, and as they refuse to learn Estonian, perhaps this could have a positive impact by encouraging them to learn English at least. That would be a better outcome than them continuing to speak only Russian in Estonia. However, the average Russian is not very capable of learning anything, so I am not sure that they can learn a second language, and I’m not sure how successful that would be.

  11. Should have sent them to the north of Finland, absolutely full of monster mosquito in the summer and freaking cold in the winter, much worse than Estonia

  12. Estonia is a strange choice though. As a country known for good digital systems I hope this isn’t a long ploy to position a British post closer to Russia

  13. Send prisoners to Estonia, send migrants to Uganda, send peopke to fix their teeth in Lithuania. FFS, can’t you be responsible for your own stuff?

  14. Can we not just send the 11,000 foreign prisoners back to their home countries? Never to be allowed entry into the UK.

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