Throwback to when Sweden pranked Denmark by building a nuclear power plant 20 km from Copenhagen

by zqky

  1. I’ve been there. For the record, Sweden and Denmark built it together, the plan was for Denmark to later build one on the opposite side. Then politics happened and Denmark pulled out and complained about it instead.

  2. D*nes like to whinge about the risks of nuclear power (Sweden has not experienced any event higher than [INES 2]( while failing to recognise the dangers of the billions of litres of sewage (∞ on the DanPoo scale) they have been releasing into that same body of water: [Danish sewage has been dumped into Öresund strait for years – Radio Sweden | Sveriges Radio](

  3. It’s almost like nuclear plants need water for cooling and are always located near rivers or the sea, which are also natural barriers and thus oftentimes official borders too …

  4. Then the Danes gaslighted the Swedes that nuclear power is dangerous and now it’s shut down

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