D.C. judge’s decision exactly what Trump’s lawyers ‘did not want’: ex-prosecutor

D.C. judge’s decision exactly what Trump’s lawyers ‘did not want’: ex-prosecutor


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. This decision would be triggering a crisis meeting among the Campaign comms team.

    On September 26 there will be never before seen evidence revealed about Trump’s election subversion crimes. Days and weeks of media coverage of what he has done and what witness attest that he has done.

    His campaign team are limited in how they respond because we will all see their actual court filing reply three weeks later, which can’t be total bullshit.

    THEN – just a week before the election, Smith gets the final word in his reply.

    So just when they want to control the media cycle, it will be dominated by news of Trump’s criminal behavior.

  2. probably shouldn’t have delayed all these trials to the last minute if he believes hes totally immune from all prosecutions

  3. I like what he has done with his hair in the photo… A nicer shade of brown will make him look less rediculous in his orange jumpsuit..

  4. Let’s start the betting now on when Trump will flee the country to avoid prosecution. The betting will start with day zero: election day. Yeah, he could leave before then if things look bad enough, but Trump could always figure on being saved by the Electoral College or the corrupt Supreme Court. But if the results are bad enough, Donnie’s off to the races. So: Day zero? Day one? Day two? Wait for his insurrection/Civil War to fizzle? Wait for the Supreme Court to rule and have Biden jail the justices who deal injustice and are hanged by their own petard? (I’d love to see Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Comey-Barret in orange and crying about Presidents and their “official acts”.) Incidentally, any attempted Civil War action would probably trigger the arrests of the members of congress who aided and abetted the 1/6 events, and tossing them in prison as well. But if Trump waited for all that to unfold, there’s no way he’d get away. So if there’s an attempt at starting a Civil War, Trump will be elsewhere and a lot of grifted money will be there with him.

    My personal bet is on day two.

  5. Donlie: “Rigged jury! Demonrat D.A.! Unfair NYC trial spot, where I lived most, most of my life! Judge hates me! Media out to get me! Stocks being killed by Obamaaaah traders! World out to get, get me!”

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