If Trump wins… Musk to the rescue!

If Trump wins… Musk to the rescue!

Posted by ReneRodriguez1

  1. “Only the best people”

    Neither of these two crooked fuckers should EVER be making decisions about anything to do with government.

    I mean they could collapse the economy just like their own financial losses lately.

    These aren’t serious people.

  2. If ever we need a secret Star Trek transporter ….. just send them to an uninhibited island in the atolls.

  3. Musk wants to run the Department of Government Efficiency = DOGE. This is not a joke, that’s really what he wants. I mean, it is a joke, but he really does want that. The man is a joke. Trump was very impressed with Musk during their interview time together when Musk talked about just firing hundreds of people who wanted to unionize. Neither of them should ever be in charge of anything.

  4. This is a great idea if we want our country renamed USX. Other than that, I don’t see what he brings to the table.

  5. Gosh, we all thought that the “Stable Genius” is such a financial whiz that he wouldn’t need the help. /s

    Businessmen don’t belong in politics, government is not a cash grab for the wealthy, it’s about taking care of the entire population (not just the 0.1%)

  6. Musk has a brilliant plan to fire all federal workers and replace them with low cost Russian workers.

  7. Musk’s first cabinet-level priority? Rename the United States of America “Boobies”

  8. 1. Trump does that “I’m making my “thoughtful, listening face to hide the fact that I am lost in a hallway somewhere” face rather often.
    2. What is going on with his right ( picture left) shoulder?

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