Top Republicans Secretly Pray for Trump to Lose Bigly

Top Republicans Secretly Pray for Trump to Lose Bigly

Top Republicans Secretly Pray for Trump to Lose Bigly

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. I doubt it. Alot of them covered for his insurrection attempt and will go down with him if he ever gets charged for hia crimes.

    He’s running to stay out of jail, and the Republican party is supporting him to stay out of jail too.

  2. A lot of top Republicans want the old GOP back and they’re just waiting for Trump to die.

    There are huge numbers of Republicans who want the John McCain/Mitt Romney/Bush version of the GOP to come back. Never Trumpers like Liz Cheney are still very much conservatives, even if they’re endorsing and voting for Harris this time. They just want to cut the Trump cancer out of their party.

    I get it. I’m not crazy about Kamala either, but I’m still voting for her to make sure Trump doesn’t win.

  3. Fucking cowards. Just denounce him and save the party if you care. Otherwise watch him destroy the party

  4. For the future of the party, they will all wish this orange clown lose in a huge margin to prevent him to run again

  5. The republican party are a bunch of spineless bitch made excuses for mankind. They all talked mad shit about Trump and now they’re on their knees sucking him off, that alone shows what kind of people they are! How can you respect someone who has lowered their morals to this point. All they care about is getting re-elected and they’ll do anything for that to happen. We as Americans need to stand up and vote all these privileged cocksuckers out of office and be done with them!#GODBLESSAMERICA

  6. Praying in secret (like Jesus says you should Matt 6:6) seems really off brand for top Republicans.

  7. “Top Republicans” should have seen this storm of a mess years ago and never should have propped up this so-called politician. They’re all guilty of the enabling of the egotistical one-man show.

  8. The maggot-ridden Republican Party needs to crash so that it can reform with some degree of sanity.

  9. He’s reached out to independents and democrats? C’mon, man, if you’re going to lie, at least make it a *believable* one.

    Hopefully when Trump drops dead the party of MAGA will die off and the GOP will edge closer to right-of-center. This extremist BS is tearing the country apart and it needs to STOP.

  10. “In a statement, Trump spokesperson Brian Hughes told the outlet that Trump has “unified the GOP like never before” and “expanded his coalition of support across partisan lines to Democrats and Independents.””

    Yeah, no. There is no coalition of support from democrats. LOL.

  11. This is the type of shit the Republicans put out to try to convince Democrats that they don’t have to vote.

  12. Trump has tapped into a vein of resentment from all the people who want to “burn it all down”. They don’t care what happens to the country as long as they have their vengeance against the “elites” that they feel have wronged them.

    That’s where his support comes from.

  13. Or you can just stop supporting him; have some shed of dignity even though that’s a foreign concept to them.

  14. If Republicans had any brains or courage, they would’ve booted him out of the party in 2015 when he started with all the racism and xenophobia. Obviously, Republicans do not have any brains or courage.

  15. Democrats want to tax 45% of your unrealized gains on your property regardless whether or not you sell it.

    End of year you get a huge tax bill of 45% of its current gain!

  16. They could have ensured it back during the impeachment
    But their short sighted selfish scum and hopefully the orange turd fully and permanently destroys the party

  17. Maybe, but our job is to remind them that they were on the wrong side and that we’ll never let them forget. I’m looking at you Josh Hawley.

  18. Yeah just like in 2016 and 2020. The top GOP have always been against him this is nothing new.

  19. Screw them… they won’t do anything because they fear of retaliation. These career politicians and their families are putting the rest of the free world hostage. They get elected (and paid!) to represent the US’ best interest, they should endure any and all pushback

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