For once Jesse Watters gets it right.

For once Jesse Watters gets it right.

Posted by aurelorba

  1. The man looks like a muppet. Talks like a muppet. And has the ability to think critically like one. Truly a punchable face

  2. How is this guy still on air after his completely offensive comment from the other night – for clarification bc there are so many – the one about Harris and the generals.

  3. how is a guy who apparently thinks men cant use straws to drink milkshakes still on tv?

  4. Jesse Watters is the turd in the toilet that won’t go down so someone has to get a clothes hanger to break it up.

  5. It’s really sad when your own mother will call into your show because she doesn’t share your same views.

  6. Lemme guess, this asshole was, again, trying to be funny, but ended up falling flat on his face?

  7. Anyway, the Democratic convention was as dead as a funeral. – Jesse Walters a few weeks ago

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