In the Pacific, a ‘Dumping Ground’ for Priests Accused or Convicted of Abuse • Over a decades-long period, more than 30 Catholic priests and missionaries moved to remote island nations after they had allegedly abused children in the West, or had been found to do so.

Over several decades, at least 10 priests and missionaries moved to Papua New Guinea after they had allegedly sexually abused children, or had been found to do so, in the West, according to court records, government inquiries, survivor testimonies, news media reports and comments by church officials.

These men were part of a larger pattern: At least 24 other priests and missionaries left New Zealand, Australia, Britain and the United States for Pacific Island countries like Fiji, Kiribati and Samoa under similar circumstances. In at least 13 cases, their superiors knew that these men had been accused or convicted of abuse before they transferred to the Pacific, according to church records and survivor accounts, shielding them from scrutiny.

It has been widely documented that the church has protected scores of priests from the authorities by shuffling them to other places, sometimes in other countries. But what sets these cases apart is the remoteness of the islands the men ended up in, making it harder for the authorities to pursue them. The relocations also gave the men access to vulnerable communities where priests were considered beyond reproach.

Notably, at least three of these men, according to government inquiries and news media reports, went on to abuse new victims in the Pacific.

Read a copy of the rest of the article here

Posted by Naurgul

1 comment
  1. >Notably, at least three of these men, according to government inquiries and news media reports, went on to abuse new victims in the Pacific.

    No shit. Almost like they were rewarded with new hunting ground further away from any oversight to do with children what they enjoy.  Makes you wonder if those who sent them away are also getting something out of it. Anyone check their computers lately or boxes they have in an attic somewhere?  

    Religion continues to prove its existence is this realities largest failure. Doesnt matter which. They all have their bullshit.  

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