Upcoming Presidential Debate

Upcoming Presidential Debate

Posted by golfnut82

  1. He won’t do anything but mumble until his mic is turned back on. The he’ll have the verbal runs for 2-minutes going back to her previous response from about 20-minutes ago thus not answering any questions ever.

  2. “,,,and then sell vials on my shit to my cult members…er…I mean Patriotic Americans!”

  3. The way he’s been slurring words recently and rambling even more and usual, he may well be incomprehensible.

  4. We all know what will happen, he won’t be able to control himself. And definitely call her a bitch, and maybe even the n-word.

    It’s why Harris campaign his lobbied for unmuted mics.

  5. My bets are placed on 1) He drops a hard “r” and 2) physical assault, although it would most likely just be an attempted assault.

  6. Imagine if he actually did.

    Kamala just mid sentence “Now about lowering food co-…oh god..what is that smell, can one of his staffers take him back stage and change his diaper?”

  7. Given what we’ve heard about Trump, he’ll shit his pants before, during and after the debate. Repeatedly.

  8. She’s got a preview of his Gish Gallop strategy already. She needs to throw it right back. Ask which he wants her send him to? Talk to him about his tiny crowds. Tie him to Project 2025 like an anchor around his neck.

  9. We’ll be able to watch the stink spread through the room in real time, like that one Queen concert video where we can see the speed of sound based on the audience reaction.

  10. With muted mics, here how the debate will go:

    Trump will get a question and then spew for a few minutes about nonsensical bullshit, making fake claims, accusations, whatever.

    Then Kamala gets to respond, having to decide if she has to address the idiocy and pick all the shit up off the floor or address the question in a matter that makes sense.

    This allows Trump to force her to either address the American people and let all the bullshit he says slide, or spend all the time addressing his stupidity and this, limiting her ability to speak to the American people.

    And his voting base is so fucking dumb they lap it all up

  11. (Denial)
    “Look I didn’t shit my pants, my shits are beautiful, I’ve never heard of shitting in your own pants”
    “Would it really be that bad if I did? It’s natural it happens to everyone, my god I have the cleanest shits, I don’t even think I’d have to change my clothes, even if i did shit”
    “Cackling Harris shits her pants all the time folks! It’s really something people, many people are saying they are nasty, I almost puked myself just now….when you heard that noise several minutes ago on this stage, you wonder who it actually was, sounds like stinky Harris to me!”
    (Full admission and insane rambling)
    “Yeah I shit my pants! But it was for the American people and I don’t think they ever did anything to make it better for me or anyone else to be able to afford to buy me anything, like pants, or a diaper, it’s these windmills that make my pants look so much more shit filled anyways, but I gotta tell you something folks, if nasty people don’t like my shitty pants they are not going to be happy with the next four years….”

  12. When he shits his pants live, on stage, I would suggest that it could be an effective strategy. I know I couldn’t talk through the smell without gagging. “Harris has no response to Trump!” NY Post headline, probably.

  13. Hanity is such a useless excuse for a human being. He serves no purpose except to serve his bitch baboon daddy

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