It’s time we have the talk

It’s time we have the talk

Posted by DogeDoRight

  1. JD: “There’s the thought. I’ll give you the prayer if you make it back home this afternoon.”

  2. Okay I’m not like your average redditor. I’ve been to prison several times. But let me just say one thing. If my child got killed in a school shooting, and someone said well that’s just the way it is and I should get over it, that would not sit well with me. I think I would be going back to prison

  3. “You will just have to be brave my son. Meanwhile, l will be speaking publicly from inside a bulletproof glass bubble”.

  4. OMG Thank goodness he’s talking about getting violently shot and killed.
    I thought he might be talking to the boy about S E X and or the G A Y S.
    Heaven forbid!

  5. Yeah, as if they don’t literally do everything to make sure THEIR kids go to a safe private school.

    They got theirs, don’t worry.

  6. Not true at all.The rich do not send their children to public schools. This is, in part, why they are so utterly detached from reality of the people that do.

  7. My daughter is about to turn 5 and just started kindergarten. The school she’s in is literally brand new, just constructed, first kids to go there this year.

    The entry system is fairly straightforward and impossible for law abiding citizens to breach, and yet I cant help but think “all it takes is shooting through all that glass and any psycho is in like Flynn.”

    I hate that these are thoughts I have. Can we please work to unburden ourselves of this existential dread?

  8. Yes, son, this is the price we must pay for the privilege of living in a country where troubled young men can still have access to assault rifles.

  9. Well those well protected republicans with extra security they just want to thank you for the sacrifice your children make on order to preserve the freedom of gun violence

    nothing wrong here from a republican point of view

    so you see keeping trump out of the white house is not enough
    but keeping those republicans out of the senate and congress

    that’ll do

  10. Son: “Can’t we do something about it Dad?”

    JD: “Well, you can either wear a bullet-resistant backpack if you stay in the US, or live with your Grand Pa in Australia.”

  11. We have 15yo twin daughters. Unfortunately that is what we have to tell them before they go to school. What else can we say?

  12. Possibly unpopular opinion, but he’s right. Everytime there’s a mass shooting, nothing substantial gets done. As many people have said, if nothing was done after Sandy Hook, then nothing will ever be done. Americans will never vote in a sufficient majority that will do anything about guns. They just love their guns that much. Remeber, Uvalde voted for Abbot.

  13. Yeah, Vance, you fucking opportunist POS, sometimes politicians get shot, so get your ass outside of that wall of bullet proof glass.

    (Well, some former “presidents” fake getting shot.)

  14. I find it amazing their motto is literally make America great again but when it comes to improving anything, all you get is “that’s just the way it is” without a single word about any kind of plan to improve anything. Worthless skin bags and con men, every last one of them.

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