The Slow Strangulation of Russia Sanctions

The Slow Strangulation of Russia Sanctions

The Slow Strangulation of Russia Sanctions

Posted by CEPAORG

  1. Submission Statement: “Ordinary citizens are feeling a tightening noose from measures agreed by the West, creating panic among some Russian businesses.” Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan discuss the growing impact of Western sanctions on Russia, highlighting how ordinary citizens and businesses are increasingly feeling the strain. As sanctions evolve, even traditional routes for evading these measures—like using Chinese suppliers—are tightening, with reports of Chinese banks refusing payments from Russia. The Russian government is experimenting with cryptocurrency to facilitate cross-border transactions, but this shift appears desperate and poorly supported by the existing financial infrastructure.

  2. The longer the conflicts rages, the more bodies drop, the better the chance Putin either escapes to friendly Belarus or goes the way of Ghadaffi in Libya

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