Pro-Trump Media Firm Abruptly Folds After Russia Scheme Exposed

Pro-Trump Media Firm Abruptly Folds After Russia Scheme Exposed

Posted by mcspocky

  1. But just like the last time, there were no Russians involved, right? Wrong. It was always the Russians with Trump.

  2. Get ready for all the conservative taking heads to claim they were tricked the “liberal Russian agents” and really need some emergency donations so they can keep “saving America”

  3. Now let’s expose the rest of the Right Wing media that is getting money and direction from Russia.

  4. They’re all going to take a page from the Trump playbook.

    1. Deny it was happening

    2. When it was confirmed to have happened, claim the evidence is fake.

    3. When evidence is verified, claim you didn’t know it was happening.

    4. When confirmed you not only knew, but actively participated, repeat step 2

    5. When all else fails, pretend you’re a victim of a grand conspiracy.

  5. Word is? Fatler tossed his midnight-to-dawn troll burner phone, he’s so scared of pissing off Vlad his Impaler. Weird!

  6. MAGA like: It’s the librul’s fault we fell for Russian bullshit.

    Because MAGA is weak as fuck.

  7. I find it very curious that all this broke so soon on the heels of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest.

  8. No, there is nothing “hilarious” about this, demise or no. There was a Soviet defector to the US back in the 1980s, a former KGB guy. He describes a decades-long effort by the KGB to topple America and democracy via misinformation campaigns…conceived and started well before the advent of the internet and social media. I don’t find it funny at all that Russia has managed to convince many people of democratic nations to believe the most ridiculous things, even in the face of verifiable evidence to the contrary. As planned.

  9. Fingers crossed Alex Jones is on the list , nothing would give me more pleasure than to see him crash and burn .. even further

  10. Down the line, it’s gonna formally come out that Russia interfered with that 2016 election. It’s like we are close to getting there.

  11. When is, Mitch(turtle), Rafael(Ted), Lindsey(stab McCain) and all the other DonOld apologists gonna come out as russian trolls.

  12. If you act like a media whore, don’t be surprised when the company flops and you’re stuck waiting for the sound of a wad of cash to land on your nightstand.

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