‘Incredible Moment in History’: Political Experts Stunned by Latest ‘Huge’ Endorsement For Kamala Harris

‘Incredible Moment in History’: Political Experts Stunned by Latest ‘Huge’ Endorsement For Kamala Harris

‘Incredible Moment in History’: Political Experts Stunned by Latest ‘Huge’ Endorsement For Kamala Harris

Posted by inewser

  1. In a surprising turn of events, former Vice President Dick Cheney, a staunch conservative figure, has announced his support for Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic ticket in the upcoming election. This revelation, confirmed by Cheney’s daughter, Liz Cheney, has sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

    I think its time for Cheney to take Trump on a hunting trip.

  2.  “Imagine telling yourself in the early 2000s that Dick Cheney would one day endorse the Democratic candidate for president because the GOP’s 2024 nominee poses an existential threat to American democracy. The stakes in this election are truly historic.”

  3. I’ll wait for him to announce it himself but it is hard to fathom such a conservative would vote for let alone endorse a democrat.

  4. This is 100% Liz Cheney looking for a cabinet position in a Harris white house. But I’ll take it.

  5. I would never in a 100 years thought a Cheney would do support a Democrat.

    Just goes to show how much of a rat people think Trump is.

  6. Russian state media refers to “Trumpuskin” as “theirs” openly, and literally threw all the “useful idiots” like Carlson and a bunch of smooth brain bloggers they paid to be Kremlin mouth pieces—right under the proverbial loaf.

    “Shrugging off the pretense and refusing to play along with Putin’s charade, Andrey Sidorov, Deputy Dean of world politics at the Moscow State University, insisted, “I will always root for Trump. Trump is a direct path to civil war in the United States.””

    Cheney might not like Kamala, but he knows there is truth in the statement above. The GOP is beyond salvation, they need to dissolve and reform to be a pro America pro democracy platform at this point.


  7. I am apprehensive about the debate. That debate will decide whether she becomes president or not. Trump should not be underestimated. His lies, aggressiveness, belligerence and self-confidence could make him look better than he is. If she is polite, that will be seen as weakness, if she is assertive, that can be seen as defensive… So many traps and unpredictable circumstances that nothing is given. I certainly do not underestimate her as well. Nothing is decided though until that debate is over.

  8. Everything the modern pseudo Republican Party does is first and foremost designed to make the very wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful. Everything. Understanding that, it’s easy to see why Cheney has announced his support for Harris.

  9. You know Trump is bad when you have hardcore conservative supporting Pamela harris. Jesus Christ

  10. I’ve been saying this and I’m not seeing a lot about this:

    There’s a *growing* contingent of Reagan Republicans who will not vote for Trump again.

    Some of them are spite voting for Harris, some of them won’t vote at all, and some are voting comfortably with Harris.

    They’re sick of the Trumpisms, they’re disgusted by how rapidly the Republican Party sold itself to the MAGAts, and they have nothing in common with the MAGAts.

  11. That’s because he wants people to think they are asshole buddies and in partnership. That’s not why he said that! THINK!!

  12. It will be interesting to see if Trump tries to bully Dick Cheney. He’s the definition of a heavy weight. There’s no one alive I can think of with more bonafides for conservatives than Cheney.

  13. Just another rich and powerful person in charge of taking money from most and giving it to the few. Representation of race or gender is fantastic but a politician is meant to represent the people, not how they look, but to advocate for their needs. Call me when something changes.

  14. It is hard to imagine there are many republicans who aren’t in The Cult already, no? Honestly, how many republicans look at Cheney’s endorsement with anything more than just a shrug? I’ve probably been consuming too much YouTube and online bullshit than is good for me while I look for any signs at all that our country truly isn’t a majority of whack jobs who want to play out the handmaids tale but I find myself in two wildly different thought patterns – one where I think “yes, finally, a candidate we can get behind” and “there is no way this country will elect Harris for <insert the usual host of idiotic, racist, and sexist reasons>.

    I wish I could flip a switch off in my brain already. I’ve decided who will get my vote – so give me the ballot and wake me in January … or don’t, depending on the results.

  15. This is not a surprise. The last funeral when Cheney was near Trump, he had that look up discussed on his face. He can’t stand Trump

  16. Ummm… I think he did commercials for the campaign around the time of the convention. This is not “news”. The moment was actually weeks ago.

  17. Would an endorsement from W be a good thing? I know he is/was deeply unpopular, but notwithstanding the individual, a former GOP Presidential endorsement would be interesting.

  18. Never, ever thought I’d say this, but Dick Cheney’s endorsement of Harris has caused me to respect this man. I couldn’t stand him when he was VP. He clearly knows right from wrong and is willing to vote for our Democracy, not his party.

  19. Cannot believe I’d ever write these words, but we may need George W. to help save our democracy. I don’t know that he could swing hardcore MAGAts, but a lot of those Boomers being willfully blind to the truth might stop and pay attention. And they turn out to vote.

  20. Really? Cheney is a “staunch conservative figure”? Please tell me what is “conservative” about unapologetic fascism. So, no props for that AH.

    But when the fascists in your own party turn against you …

  21. Is anyone else not impressed with the Cheneys? They’ve voted for the dude twice. This time they’ve opted NOT to vote for a POS. Hooray.

  22. Because, while you wholeheartedly disagreed with their platform, they still sided with America. Rather than a glorified man-child, who is clearly a Russian puppet attempting to be Dictator.

  23. Trumps face melted off last week in a rally and today he had a 90 minute meltdown live with poor me and horrible anti women crap. Where is the mafia when you need them?

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