Trump Fears Being Called a ‘Convicted Felon’ by Harris on National TV and Demanding Immediate ‘Termination’ of Hush Money Case Ahead of Debate

Trump Fears Being Called a ‘Convicted Felon’ by Harris on National TV and Demanding Immediate ‘Termination’ of Hush Money Case Ahead of Debate

Trump Fears Being Called a ‘Convicted Felon’ by Harris on National TV and is Demanding Immediate ‘Termination’ of Hush Money Case Ahead of Debate

Posted by inewser

  1. It seems that Trump always fears the truth. He has lived in a world of lies so long, I’m not sure he knows the difference.

  2. I don’t buy this. He must have five people in a room writing comebacks for him to memorize for this very thing. He already got hit by it in the first debate, everyone in the country knows it’s coming. It’s not going to be a high scoring attack. His response could get him some points with his side. Like if he turned around and said she slept her way to the top.

    It’s not true, but a good zinger will minimize the impact of being called felon for the second time by the Democratic candidate for President.

  3. Seems cool with admitting to rape, so maybe that’s some fertile ground for Harris, too? Get him talking about the E. Jean Carroll trial, the fact that he lost, his recent comments in which he defamed another victim.

  4. I heard the FBI has a list of 1900 Russian paid influencers and others. Tick tock motherfucker

  5. Don LostHisMind: “I’m scared, Corey, Cory Lewd&nasty! I need, get me the … where…? Where ish my Adderaaal.? Corey? … hello?… anyone here.?”

  6. Eff that felon – that’s a bigly part of YOUR record, felon – you earned it felon – live with it.

    Magas are wearing hats that say, “I’m voting for a felon to be President,” so where’s YOUR felon hat, jagoff.

  7. I think she wouldn’t really be doing her job if she doesn’t talk about his criminal bullshit.

    It’s very relevant to the election.

    There is absolutely no subject he wouldn’t bring up.

    He has to make shit up to talk bad about her because none of her past is hurting her.

  8. BS, he will relish it and use it as a cudgel to be even meaner and nastier to her. Trust me he *craves* for her to insult him so he can haul off and claim “she started it”

  9. Well he is isn’t he? And seriously, if the shoe was on the other foot he wouldn’t bring that up over and over again…

  10. Personally I will be disappointed if she doesn’t call him a sexual predator, a fraud and a felon at least three times during the debate.

    90% her being Presidential, 10% her saying “I’m not taking any shit from this demented rapist, criminal today”.

  11. He’s in no position to be demanding anything. Does he think he’s still the President? Lock his corrupt ass up already!

  12. Demanding immediate termination of legal proceedings?

    Yeah, not sure that demanding that they stop doing things he doesn’t like is really a genuine legal strategy.

  13. Ummm… that’s not how this justice system thingy works, Donald. You’ve been convicted of multiple felonies. You can’t just demand that the conviction be “terminated “. You should be extremely grateful that your sentencing hearing has been delayed until after the election.

  14. She should throw his own words back at him.

    “Folks, folks, folks, he shouldn’t be allowed to run. If he were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt… His current scandals and controversies will continue throughout his presidency and will make it virtually impossible for him to govern and lead our country.” From Reno, Nevada, 2016.

  15. He’s just going to call it a politically motivated witch hunt & his doorknobs will believe it & go about their day.

  16. I can only wish so hard that she goes nuclear on that POS monster. There are only 2 types of people voting for him, the extremely wealthy and the extremely stupid.

  17. He is a convicted felon. He just has not been sentenced as of yet. A jury of 12 NY citizens sat and heard evidence from the Prosecution and Defense. The Jury came back of all 12 jury members 34 felonies guilty. I repeat, Trump is a Convicted Felon, that has not had his sentencing hearing!

  18. Well you always talk about “the truth” and the truth is you’re a convicted felon. So what’s the problem?

  19. Jesus, I hope Harris hits him at least once with something that just boils his blood on national TV.

  20. He is trying to impose on her freedom of speech with this. Everyone has the right to speak the truth to him…what a baby.

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