Tim Walz doesn’t have a problem picking out donuts

Tim Walz doesn’t have a problem picking out donuts

Posted by NutNewz

  1. Tim Walz didn’t get to be Command Sergeant Major without having his donut box order on point decades ago. It’s called “caring about your people” and he’s a master at that game.

  2. Well to be fair, he didn’t need to worry about the woke like Vance. I bet Walz could even handle sprinkles without worrying about a stranger’s genitals.

  3. Tim is the kind of guy who orders an extra dozen so he can hand them out to homeless people on the way home.

  4. Hey, hey, hey, hey…


    Leave JD alone!

    Its not his fault!

    He was in an *impossible* position for for a so-called conservative.

    Being asked to buy donuts for people?

    Buying something for someone else?

    Nothing in his life up to this point prepared him for that!

  5. It gets worse for JD Vance as the video goes on. He gently pets a dog, and the dog does not seem in any amount of distress.

  6. I absolutely love the subtle digs at these losers.

    What kind of person who is in public office, regularly gives speeches and talks to constituents, can’t carry or hold a conversation at a donut shop?

    He could have said “I like sprinkles” and that would have opened things up more than “how long have you worked here”

  7. To be fair, in order to compromise enough to become Trump’s VP, Vance has had to jettison his ethics, morals, rationality, religion, and so many other beliefs, he’s just a shell now, and may not have the sense of identity or steadiness of character to order donuts.

  8. “If Tim Walz has no problem picking out donuts, he’ll clearly have no problem picking out which children to abort post birth.”

    -Fox News, probably

  9. Decent zinger. But wow, how did it come to this? “A dozen assorted donuts.” Fucking DONE.

    Vance is the worst person to have in front of you in line for Starbucks.

  10. I feel like 1 minute I’d be standing in line at the DMV next to Tim and the next minute, we’d be best fishing buddies.

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