Losses of the Russian military to 7.9.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 7.9.2024


  1. Not a single APC liquidated today, have the orc mechanized assaults been halted in their tracks?

  2. Seems like Russia is slowly starting the “find out” phase of why you shouldn’t lose hundreds of vehicles for marginal gains.

    That’s also why Ukraine stopped their counter offensive last year without pushing too deep …. to save their resources.

  3. Probably just a typo or delay in data – 0 AFV is a fantasy.

    There are some unpleasant explanations too, but those are unlikely imo.

  4. Crazy low numbers, if we ignore the useless vatniks.

    It may be just me being optimistic, however, the ruski may be scraping the bottom of a rusty bucket in terms of military material. Or they ran out of fuel.

  5. You know with the vehicles and fuel tanks, well, how many fuel tanks have been destroyed? How much fuel has gone up in flames? Any ideas? I reckon it would cost a pretty penny to replace the destroyed fuel. Like millions and millions. Burn baby burn. I hope you don’t think I’m cruel but I want the Russians to go home in a body bags. All of them.

  6. Well one thing it looks like is these casualties didn’t go fast in a metal box explosion but were chased by a drone

  7. What?!! Only 1 single piece of armor lost? Running real low now? I hope so.

    Slava Ukraini!

  8. It’s odd that personnel loss is about the same while the APC loss is zero.

    We could infer that Russia sent more infantry, and there are videos supporting this. But it’s odd that the additional infantry loss so closely offsets the lack of APC losses.

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