Kremlin document: ‘We support AfD with all means’

Kremlin document: ‘We support AfD with all means’

by Beautiful-Health-976

  1. Everyone knows that they already had multiple scandals about Russia support. Still old communist botr for them

  2. We don’t need a document to know that. It’s obvious for anyone with eyes and without their fingers stuffed deep in their ears. And with a bit of brain obviously. It’s a must to have a little more braincells than a cat though.

  3. This is so stupid that people all over the world fall for this. I truly have the feeling that people who support these parties are whiney babies who do not know how far we have come as a world, society, wealth, supply of food and products, safety of products.

    They seem to yearn for a time of rationing, war, no availability of great food, etc, because they have a complaint about some piece of how things are done, whether it be taxes, immigration, healthcare is done.

    Such cry babies, and they will get us into major wars with their populist bull crap if they get in power. Go vote and support the bright Future!!!! Not the next dictator……

  4. It’s a losing strategy to focus on Russia though. It does not really matter to AfD voters who have other concerns. Russia is not the reason AfD is growing. This messaging is aimed at those who are already against AfD and will help them grow by diverting attention from other issues.

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