I do my own research types.

I do my own research types.

Posted by KimboToast

  1. These people with the words “independent journalist” or “independent thinker” in their Twitter bios, and they just continuously post the most asinine, clickbait, rehashed, misinformed, and unsupported claims. All while earning Musk Bucks for it.

    Elon’s algorithms don’t just direct traffic to him, turning the platform into his personal megaphone, but they also help increase engagement for any of these “critical thinkers” and right wing culture warriors willing to pay for the privilege.

    It was never a matter of free speech for these people, it was a matter of them not being unconditionally rewarded for posting propaganda and dangerously stupid content.

  2. So now that Trump admits that he lost the last election, how does Maga feel about the Big Lie, the 60 lawsuits, the January 6th attack, Mike Lindell’s whole act and all of the other problems he caused because of his reckless lying?

  3. Lost too many friends to this shit. Call it out whenever and wherever you see it. Trumpism is a fucking disease.

  4. Can’t wait to spend another decade being told party criticism is just foreigner propaganda.

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