Hey, Reddit, Russian ammo depot in Voronezh region sends greetings

Hey, Reddit, Russian ammo depot in Voronezh region sends greetings

by UNITED24Media

  1. “Oh what a BEAUTY,

    I haven’t seen one as good as that for a while”.

    I just love the recurring booms that go on and on ad infinitum. The Ukrainians have a rare talent to find juicy targets across the length and breadth of this filthy Third World terrorist state.

  2. Fuck Russia. Glory to the heroes. (I can’t say fuck Russia enough after what I’ve seen the last couple of days. No really, fuck Russia.)

  3. aww yes soviet fireworks. I use to like the Detroit Red Wings when they had all the ruzzians on the team… Damn you Vladimir. You ruined life for everyone because your an impotent, old, bitter, asshole. I even went to a play off game… Detroit won it too.. But they were playing Tampa Bay, well Nikolai Khabibulin (another ruzzian damn you the Kremlin) was the only one playing for Tampa Bay… It was a hell of a game because he put on a show saving so many shots…

  4. What a nice ammo depot. Should of been in ukraine being that nice . It wouldn’t be burning then

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